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Sustainable development or Environmental Kuznets Curve model: Which route for Africa?


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The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) proposes uncontrolled pollution during initial development stage of a nation and then a gradual shift to environmental protection and remediation as income (GDP) improves, a developmental route that was used by a few countries. This theory, however, is marred with a lot of conceptual and ecological errors. Importantly, there is little evidence of an EKC pathway, mainly because the statistical analysis on which the EKC is based is not robust (Stern in International society for ecological economics internet encyclopaedia of ecological economics the Environmental Kuznets Curve, 2003). This study investigates through questionnaire survey, the opinions of young African students studying in China, on the issue of development with environmental pollution and degradation. Results show that 72% of respondents agreed to development with pollution citing EKC, an outcome that indicates the possible developmental route likely to be followed by majority of Africa. The study concluded that environmental protection discussions should not be done at economic level but at ethical level to save human life and conserve biodiversity. The study recommends that all nations, regardless of level of economic development, be encouraged to mainstream the AICHI Biodiversity Targets in their national (local) developmental plans to ensure sustainable development agenda fulfilment. Also, as a precautionary measure, nations should embrace the polluter-stops-polluting against the usual polluter-pays-principle.
机译:环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)在国家的初始发展阶段,逐渐转变为环境保护和收入(GDP)的逐步转变,是几个国家使用的发展路线。然而,这种理论与许多概念和生态错误造成了损害。重要的是,几乎没有证据表明EKC途径,主要是因为EKC所依据的统计分析不是强大的(在国际生态经济学社会中船尾的生态经济学社会环境库兹曲线,2003)。本研究通过调查问卷调查调查,在中国学习的年轻非洲学生的意见,了解环境污染和退化的发展问题。结果表明,72%的受访者同意通过污染引用ekc发展,这一结果表明了可能随后的可能随后的非洲发展路线。该研究得出结论,环境保护讨论不应在经济层面进行,但在道德水平上拯救人类生命并保护生物多样性。该研究建议所有国家,无论经济发展水平,鼓励将AICHI生物多样性目标纳入国家(当地)发展计划,以确保可持续发展议程履行。此外,作为预防措施,各国应采用污染污染污染污染,防止普通的污染者 - 支付原则。



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