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Distribution of heat exchange in optimum diabatic distillation columns


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We improved our model for minimization of entropy production rate in diabatic tray distillation. The entropy production rate had contributions from heat and mass transfer on the trays and from heat exchangers connected to the trays. The area of the heat exchangers were not used as free variables, but calculated from four different area distribution rules. The total heat exchange area and its distribution over the column had a significant effect on the entropy production rate in the system. In the limit of infi-nitely large forces, the results of an adiabatic column were obtained, as expected. As the forces became smaller, the distribution of the area became more important. The area distribution rule with constant average force in each heat exchanger had the lowest entropy production rate of the rules used. Possible consequences for column design were discussed, and a sketch with the characteristics of an optimum distillation column was presented. Two minimization algorithms were used with similar outcome; the Matlab~(~R) function fmincon being the fastest.
机译:我们改进了模型,以最小化非绝热塔盘蒸馏中的熵生产率。熵产速率是由塔盘上的热量和质量传递以及与塔盘相连的热交换器产生的。热交换器的面积不用作自由变量,而是根据四种不同的面积分布规则计算得出的。总的热交换面积及其在塔上的分布对系统中的熵产生率有显着影响。在无限大的力的极限下,获得了绝热柱的结果,正如预期的那样。随着部队的人数减少,该地区的分布变得越来越重要。在每个换热器中具有恒定平均力的面积分布规则具有最低的熵生产率。讨论了塔设计的可能后果,并给出了具有最佳蒸馏塔特性的草图。两种最小化算法的使用结果相似。 Matlab〜(〜R)函数fmincon是最快的。



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