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Statistically adjusted engineering (SAE) modeling of metered roof-top photovoltaic (PV) output: California evidence


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Accurate hourly photovoltaic (PV) output data are useful for engineering design, cost-effectiveness evaluation, rate design, system operation, transmission planning, risk management, and policy analysis. However, a large sample of hourly metered PV data is seldom available, and engineering simulation is often the only practical means to obtain hourly PV output. Based on an analysis of net energy metering (NEM) funded by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), this paper presents statistically adjusted engineering (SAE) modeling of metered output of 327 roof-top PV installations in California for the 12-month period of January-December 2008. The key findings are: (a) the metered PV output is on an average 80-90% of simulated performance; and (b) the simulated data have useful information for accurately predicting metered PV performance. Plausible causes for (a) include incomplete input data for PV simulation, occasional failures in metered data recording, and less than ideal conditions for PV performance in the real world.
机译:每小时精确的光伏(PV)输出数据可用于工程设计,成本效益评估,费率设计,系统运行,输电计划,风险管理和政策分析。但是,很少有大量的小时计量PV数据样本,工程仿真通常是获取小时PV输出的唯一实用方法。在对由加利福尼亚公用事业委员会(CPUC)资助的净能源计量(NEM)的分析基础上,本文介绍了统计调整后的工程(SAE)模型,该模型对加州327个屋顶光伏装置在12个月期间的计量输出进行了建模主要发现是:(a)计量的光伏输出平均为模拟性能的80-90%; (b)模拟数据具有有用的信息,可用于准确预测计量的PV性能。 (a)的可能原因包括用于PV模拟的输入数据不完整,计量数据记录中偶尔出现的故障以及在现实世界中不理想的PV性能条件。


  • 来源
    《Energy》 |2010年第10期|p.4178-4183|共6页
  • 作者单位

    Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc., 101 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA;

    rnClean Power Research, 10 Clen Court, Napa. CA 94558, USA;

    rnEnergy and Environmental Economics, Inc., 101 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA;

    rnEnergy and Environmental Economics, Inc., 101 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA Hong Kong Energy Studies Centre, Baptist University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;

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  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词

    photovoltaic; SAE modeling; PV simulation;



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