首页> 外文期刊>日本作物學會紀事 >Studies on Analysis and Application of Intensive Planting Techniques in Small Land Agriculture : I. Effect of plant type, sowing time and planting density on growth and yield in maize-kidney bean intercropping

Studies on Analysis and Application of Intensive Planting Techniques in Small Land Agriculture : I. Effect of plant type, sowing time and planting density on growth and yield in maize-kidney bean intercropping




The field experiment based on the results of field surveys (1978-1979) was made to determine the effect of plant type, sowing time and planting density on growth and yield in maize-kidney bean intercropping in 1979, from a viewpoint of analysis and application of conventional intensive culture in small land. Applied planting pattern was hill space intercropping of in-row planting and the obtained results were as follows: 1. Growth: The overlapping period of growth duration of maize and kidney bean in intercropping was longer in the planting with pole type bean than with the dwarf type bean, and also it was longer in late sowing than in early sowing of beans. Maize showed a tendency of increasing plant height at high planting density after tasseling irresepective of planting patterns. Plant height of pole type bean was shorter at intercropping than single cropping and this tendency was remarkable at later sowing with high planting density (Table 2). The dwarf type tended to be taller in plant height at intercropping in later sowing, especially in high planting density, but no difference in plant height was observed at early sowing (Fig. 2) Weed prostration was remarkably surpressed at high planting density of intercropping. The weed growth was coincident with the patterns of light transmission (relative light intensity) in the plant community (Fig. 3). 2. Yield: Grain yield per plant of maize was low at higher planting density irrespective of planting patterns. This higher yield in intercropping could be obtained at the planting with dwarf type bean than the planting with pole type bean. On the other hand, yield per area was higher at high planting density of any planting patterns but this incremental rate by intercropping was small (Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6). The intercropping bean yield was particularly low at early sowing of pole type bean and also at late sowing of dwarf type bean. 3. Evaluation of land utlization in intercropping culture by relative yield totals (RYT) showed higher effect compared with single cropping, and maximum of RYT was found at late sowing with pole type in high planting density and early sowing with dwarf type bean in low planting density (Fig. 10).
机译:基于现场调查结果(1978-1979)的现场实验,从1979年确定了植物型,播种时间和种植密度对1979年玉米肾脏间作中生长和产量的影响,从分析和应用常规密集文化在小土地中。应用种植模式是连续种植的山地空间间隙,所得结果如下:1。生长:在工厂中玉米和芸豆的生长持续时间的重叠时期与杆型豆类比矮人的种植更长豆豆,也比早期播种的豆子播种时间更长。玉米展示了在繁殖的种植模式的术后高种植密度增加植物高度的趋势。杆型豆的植物高度比单一种植更短,并且这种趋势在后来播种,种植密度高(表2)。在后来播种的间作植物高度倾向于较高,特别是在植物密度高,但在早期播种时没有观察到植物高度的差异(图2)在高种植密度的间作中染色杂草效果显着掩盖。杂草生长与植物群落中的光传输(相对光强度)的模式一致(图3)。 2.产量:随着种植模式而言,玉米的每个植物的谷物产量低。可以在种植豆型豆类的植物中获得较高的间作产量而不是用杆型豆类种植。另一方面,在任何种植图案的高种植密度下,每个区域的产量较高,但是通过间作的这种增量速率小(图4,图5,图6)。在杆型豆早期播种时,间作豆产量特别低,并且在矮种豆豆的晚期播种。 3.通过相对收益总量(RYT)对培养物的间作培养物的评估表现出较高的效果与单一种植相比,并在晚期播种的高种植密度和低种苗豆豆早期播种的最大RYT密度(图10)。



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