首页> 外文期刊>Energy >Sustainable energy storage for solar home systems in rural Sub-Saharan Africa - A comparative examination of lifecycle aspects of battery technologies for circular economy, with emphasis on the South African context

Sustainable energy storage for solar home systems in rural Sub-Saharan Africa - A comparative examination of lifecycle aspects of battery technologies for circular economy, with emphasis on the South African context


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Photovoltaics (PV) are increasingly important for electrification in rural Sub-Saharan Africa, but what is the best battery technology to use? To explore this question, a small-scale domestic PV system for South Africa (20-year lifetime) to deliver 1.42 kWh electricity from batteries overnight with 10-h discharge was costed with various Li-ion, Pb-acid and Aquion aqueous hybrid ion batteries (AHIBs). Environmental impact; compatibility with circular economy; potential for cost-reduction through lifetime extension; and valorisation of batteries at end-of-life is discussed. Batteries are 81-93% of system costs, and battery production required over the system lifetime would emit 743, 674 and 6060 kg CO2-eq (Pb-acid, Li-ion and AHIBs respectively). Hazardous materials in Li-ion and Pb-acid batteries pose risks at end-of-life. Li-ion and AHIBs face potential resource supply constraints due to use of Co, Li and graphite. Closed-loop recycling and refurbishment of Pb-acid batteries is well established in South Africa. Currently, no African facilities for Li-ion or AHIB recycling exist, with little opportunity to retain material value from these batteries within the region. Despite lower efficiencies and shorter lifetimes, Pb-acid batteries, which are readily available from domestic manufacturing at low cost, are the current best choice for sustainable small-scale domestic PV systems in South Africa. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:光伏(PV)对于撒哈拉以南非洲农村地区的电气化越来越重要,但是什么是最好的电池技术?为了探讨这一问题,南非使用了一种小型家用光伏系统(使用寿命为20年),通过各种锂离子,铅酸和Aquion水性混合离子,在夜间通宵充电10小时,可从电池提供1.42 kWh的电能,电池(AHIB)。对环境造成的影响;与循环经济的兼容性;通过延长使用寿命来降低成本的潜力;讨论了电池寿命终止后的价格调整。电池占系统成本的81-93%,在整个系统寿命期间所需的电池生产将排放743、674和6060 kg的二氧化碳当量(分别为铅酸,锂离子和AHIB)。锂离子电池和铅酸电池中的有害物质会给使用寿命带来风险。由于使用钴,锂和石墨,锂离子和AHIB面临潜在的资源供应限制。南非已经建立了铅酸电池的闭环回收和翻新设施。目前,非洲没有用于锂离子或AHIB回收的设施,几乎没有机会在该地区保留这些电池的材料价值。尽管效率较低且寿命较短,但铅酸电池很容易从国内制造商那里以低成本购买,是南非可持续性小型家用光伏系统的当前最佳选择。 (C)2018作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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