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Assessment of Non-electric Cooling Alternatives to Reduce the Electric Demand of New York's Power Grid


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Electric cooling technologies impose significant demand on the utility grid. For instance, the cooling system for a 200,000 square foot building can add over 300 kW of electric load onto the grid during peak summer periods. A typical 600,000-square-foot building has an electric chiller plant that peaks at nearly 1 MW. Natural gas and steam chillers, on the other hand, impose only a fraction of these loads on the electric grid. This article highlights the potential and importance of subsidies and incentive programs in promoting non-electric cooling technologies to help reduce the peak demand load on the New York power grid. The results obtained also provide valuable equipment-installed costs and energy/demand parameters for both electric and non-electric chillers. The technical and economic viability of five non-electric cooling technologies are compared to standard practice electric chillers. The five non-electric cooling technologies are: 1. Gas engine-driven chiller 2. Two-stage gas-fired absorption chiller 3. Two-stage steam-fired absorption chiller 4. Single-stage steam-fired absorption chiller 5. Steam-turbine driven centrifugal chiller The energy consumption and peak summer demand were calculated for the chillers in each of three different size ranges. Installed cost estimates were developed for each chiller technology in two regions of New York State. The results presented here will help design consultants, estimators, utilities, and government energy officials assess preliminary estimates for installed costs, energy savings, and incremental maintenance costs. Normalized costing indices such as $/ton, $/hp, $/sqft. and $/lin.ft and operating characteristics such as full load hours and kW/ton rules of thumb for the chiller and plant components are also presented. The study reports typical office building savings and economic paybacks. Chiller operation of 800 equivalent full load hours (EFLH) for upstate New York sites and 850 EFLH for downstate/NYC sites were used.
机译:电冷却技术对公用电网提出了巨大的要求。例如,在夏季高峰期,用于200,000平方英尺建筑物的冷却系统可以为电网增加300 kW以上的电力负荷。一幢典型的600,000平方英尺的建筑中有一台电制冷机,其峰值功率接近1 MW。另一方面,天然气和蒸汽冷却器仅将这些负载的一小部分施加到电网上。本文重点介绍了补贴和激励计划在推广非电制冷技术方面的潜力和重要性,以帮助减少纽约电网的峰值需求负荷。获得的结果还为电制冷机和非电制冷机提供了宝贵的设备安装成本和能源/需求参数。将五种非电制冷技术与标准电制冷机的技术和经济可行性进行了比较。五个非电冷却技术为:1.燃气发动机驱动的制冷机2.两级燃气吸收式制冷机3.两级蒸汽吸收式制冷机4.单级蒸汽吸收式制冷机5.蒸汽-涡轮驱动的离心式冷水机计算了三种不同尺寸范围内的冷水机的能耗和夏季峰值需求。在纽约州的两个地区,为每种冷水机技术制定了安装成本估算。此处介绍的结果将帮助设计顾问,估算师,公用事业和政府能源官员评估安装成本,节能量和增量维护成本的初步估算。标准化成本指数,例如,美元/吨,美元/马力,美元/平方英尺。还提供了$ / lin.ft和运行特性,例如制冷机和工厂组件的满负荷小时数和kW / ton经验法则。该研究报告了典型的办公楼节省和经济回报。纽约州北部站点使用800当量满负荷小时(EFLH)的冷却器运行,而纽约州北部站点使用850 EFLH当量运行。



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