首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Changes in Serum Leptin Levels during GnRH Agonist Therapy

Changes in Serum Leptin Levels during GnRH Agonist Therapy


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate changes in serum leptin levels during GnRH agonist therapy, Twenty regularly menstruating women with uterine leiomyomas were enrolled. These subjects were given GnRH agonist (leuprorelin acetate, 3.75 mg) monthly for 4 months. Serum leptin and estradiol (E2) levels were measured at the two time points of day 1 or 2 of the menstrual cycle and the end of GnRH agonist therapy. Weight, total body fat mass, percentage of body fat, and total body lean mass were measured by whole body scanning with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The ratio of serum leptin levels to total body fat mass (leptin-fat mass ratio), and the ratio of serum leptin levels to total body lean mass (leptin-lean mass ratio) were calculated. All subjects became amenorrheic after the initial administration of GnRH agonist. Baseline E2 levels were 45.4 +- 21.0 pg/mL, which significantly decreased after GnRH agonist-therapy (13.3 +- 4.2 pg/mL, p<0.01). Baseline leptin levels were 8.7 +- 8.1 ng/mL, which did not differ from the values after 4 months of GnRH agonist administration (8.9 +- 6.8 ng/mL). Total body fat mass significantly increased from 20.0 +- 10.4 to 21.0 +- 9.4 kg (p<0.05), while total body lean mass significantly decreased (34.5 +- 4.2 kg to 33.3 +- 3.9 kg, p<0.01). However, |eptin-fat mass ratio after GnRH agonist therapy did not differ from the baseline values (0.39 +- 0.16 ng/mL/kg vs 0.38 +- 0.16 ng/mL/kg). Hypogonadism does not have a major impact on circulating leptin levels.
机译:本研究的目的是研究GnRH激动剂治疗期间血清瘦素水平的变化。研究入选了20名定期经期子宫平滑肌瘤的女性。这些受试者每月接受GnRH激动剂(醋酸亮丙瑞林,3.75 mg)治疗4个月。在月经周期的第1天或第2天和GnRH激动剂治疗结束的两个时间点测量血清瘦素和雌二醇(E2)的水平。体重,总脂肪量,脂肪百分比和瘦体重是通过双能X射线吸收法全身扫描来测量的。计算血清瘦素水平与总脂肪量之比(瘦素-脂肪质量比),以及血清瘦素水平与总瘦肉量之比(瘦素瘦肉质量比)。初次施用GnRH激动剂后,所有受试者均闭经。基线E2水平为45.4±21.0 pg / mL,在GnRH激动剂治疗后显着降低(13.3±4.2 pg / mL,p <0.01)。基线瘦素水平为8.7±8.1 ng / mL,与GnRH激动剂给药4个月后的水平相同(8.9±6.8 ng / mL)。人体总脂肪量从20.0±10.4显着增加到21.0±9.4 kg(p <0.05),而总瘦体重显着降低(34.5±4.2 kg到33.3±3.9 kg,p <0.01)。但是,GnRH激动剂治疗后的| eptat-fat质量比与基线值没有差异(0.39±0.16 ng / mL / kg对0.38±0.16 ng / mL / kg)。性腺功能减退对循环的瘦素水平没有重大影响。



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