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Clinical Report of 28 Patients with Sheehan's Syndrome


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The aim of the present study was to determine the clinical and hormonal characteristics with Sheehan's syndrome in 28 cases that we had diagnosed and followed in the last 20 years. Twenty-eight patients with Sheehan's syndrome, diagnosed and followed at our University Endocrinology Clinic in the last 20 years were reported in the study. Medical history, physical examination, routine laboratory examinations, pituitary hormone analysis, CT and/or MRI scan of the sella of the patients were reviewed. All patients had a history of massive hemorrhage at delivery and physical signs of Sheehan's syndrome. Twenty-six of them lacked postpartum milk production, followed by failure of resumption of menses. There were 9 subjects with disturbances in consciousness associated with hyponatremia on admittance. All 28 patients had secondary hypothyroidism, adrenal cortex failure, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and growth hormone deficiency. Diabetes insipidus has not been found in any patient. Empty sellae were revealed in 8 patients by CT and/or MRI scan. Sheehan's syndrome is still encountered in clinical practice occasionally. If not diagnosed early, it could cause increased morbidity and mortality. The most important clues for diagnosis of Sheehan's syndrome are lack of lactation and failure of menstrual resumption after a delivery complicated with severe hemorrhage.
机译:本研究的目的是确定在最近20年中我们已诊断并随访的28例Sheehan综合征的临床和激素特征。研究报告了最近20年在我们大学内分泌诊所诊断并随访的28例希恩氏综合症患者。回顾了病史,体格检查,常规实验室检查,垂体激素分析,患者蝶鞍的CT和/或MRI扫描。所有患者均在分娩时有大量出血史,并有希恩氏综合症的体征。其中有26名缺乏产后产奶,其次是月经恢复失败。有9名受试者的意识障碍与低钠血症有关。所有28例患者均患有继发性甲状腺功能减退,肾上腺皮质功能衰竭,性腺功能减退性性腺功能减退和生长激素缺乏症。尚未在任何患者中发现尿崩症。 CT和/或MRI扫描发现8例患者空鞍。在临床实践中偶尔还会遇到希恩氏综合症。如果不及早诊断,可能会增加发病率和死亡率。诊断希恩氏综合症最重要的线索是缺乏泌乳和分娩后伴有严重出血的月经恢复失败。



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