首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Folic Acid Prevents Congenital Malformations In The Offspring Of Diabetic Mice

Folic Acid Prevents Congenital Malformations In The Offspring Of Diabetic Mice


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It is well known that maternal diabetes causes various congenital malformations. Although there are many reports that folic acid (FA) administration in pregnancy reduces the risk of birth defects including neural tube defects (NTDs), a precise analysis on the preventive effect of FA against diabetic embryopathy has not been done yet. In this study, we analyzed the preventive effects of FA on congenital malformations including NTDs, cardiovascular, and skeletal malformations using a diabetic mouse model. Female mice were rendered hyperglycemic by streptozotocin and then mated. Pregnant diabetic mice were treated daily with FA (3 mg/kg body weight) or saline between gestational days (GD) 6 and 10. On GD 18, fetuses were examined for congenital malformations. FA did not affect plasma glucose levels. In the DM control group, the incidence of NTDs, cardiovascular, and skeletal malformations was 28.4%, 28.5%, and 29.7%, respectively. In the FA-treated group, the corresponding proportions reduced to 6.0%, 2.5% and 12.5%, respectively. A whole-mount TUNEL revealed an increased apoptosis in the hindbrain region of embryos from DM control group on day 9.5, and the apoptosis was decreased by FA treatment. Maternal plasma homocysteine levels on GD 9.5 were significantly lowered in DM control group compared with those in non-DM group, and FA treatment did not show a significant effect. These results indicate that FA is effective for the prevention of various diabetic embryopathy including NTDs, cardiovascular, and skeletal malformations, and suggested that this effect is independent from homocysteine metabolism and possibly mediated by decreasing the abnormal apoptosis during organogenesis.
机译:众所周知,孕产妇糖尿病会导致各种先天性畸形。尽管有许多报道表明,怀孕期间使用叶酸(FA)可以降低包括神经管缺陷(NTDs)在内的先天缺陷的风险,但尚未对FA预防糖尿病性胚胎病的效果进行精确的分析。在这项研究中,我们使用糖尿病小鼠模型分析了FA对先天性畸形的预防作用,包括NTD,心血管和骨骼畸形。通过链脲佐菌素使雌性小鼠高血糖,然后交配。妊娠糖尿病小鼠每天在妊娠第6天至第10天之间接受FA(3 mg / kg体重)或生理盐水治疗。在GD 18上,检查胎儿的先天性畸形。 FA不影响血浆葡萄糖水平。在DM对照组中,NTD,心血管和骨骼畸形的发生率分别为28.4%,28.5%和29.7%。在FA治疗组中,相应的比例分别降低至6.0%,2.5%和12.5%。完整的TUNEL结果显示,第9.5天,DM对照组的胚胎后脑区域细胞凋亡增加,而FA处理后细胞凋亡减少。与非DM组相比,DM对照组的孕妇血浆同型半胱氨酸水平显着降低(GD 9.5),FA治疗未见明显效果。这些结果表明FA可有效预防各种糖尿病胚胎病变,包括NTD,心血管和骨骼畸形,并表明该作用不依赖于同型半胱氨酸代谢,并且可能通过减少器官发生过程中的异常凋亡而介导。



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