首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Increased Thyroid Blood Flow In The Hypoechoic Lesions In Patients With Recurrent, Painful Hashimoto's Thyroiditis At The Time Of Acute Exacerbation

Increased Thyroid Blood Flow In The Hypoechoic Lesions In Patients With Recurrent, Painful Hashimoto's Thyroiditis At The Time Of Acute Exacerbation


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We report two cases with painful Hashimoto's thyroiditis, who developed recurrent fever and painful thyroid. Glucocorticoid treatment was transiently successful but tenderness in the thyroid gland and fever developed when glucocorticoid was tapered. One patient underwent total thyroidectomy uneventfully. As is well known, it is frequently difficult to make differential diagnosis between painful Hashimoto's thyroiditis and subacute thyroiditis particularly at the initial phase. Interestingly, color flow doppler sonography of patient 1 revealed an increased thyroid blood flow in the hypoechoic lesions at the time of acute exacerbation although the serum level of TSH was suppressed. In the other patient, thyroid blood flow was also increased mainly in the hypoechoic lesions when the serum levef of TSH was moderately increased, and it disappeared completely after supplementation of prednisolone and L-T4. Since thyroid blood flow in subacute thyroiditis is always decreased, such an increased blood flow in the hypoechoic lesion may be one of clinical characteristics of painful Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and useful for differential diagnosis from subacute thyroiditis.
机译:我们报告了2例患有桥本氏甲状腺炎的痛苦病例,他们发展为反复发烧和甲状腺疼痛。糖皮质激素治疗暂时成功,但是当糖皮质激素逐渐减少时,会出现甲状腺压痛和发烧。 1例患者行甲状腺全切术。众所周知,在桥本疼痛性甲状腺炎和亚急性甲状腺炎之间通常很难做出鉴别诊断,尤其是在初始阶段。有趣的是,尽管TSH的血清水平受到抑制,但患者1的彩色多普勒超声检查显示,急性加重时低回声病变的甲状腺血流增加。在另一例患者中,当TSH的血清水平适度增加时,甲状腺血流量也主要在低回声病变中增加,并且在补充泼尼松龙和L-T4后甲状腺血流完全消失。由于亚急性甲状腺炎中的甲状腺血流总是减少的,因此低回声病灶中这种血流的增加可能是桥本氏甲状腺炎的临床特征之一,可用于与亚急性甲状腺炎的鉴别诊断。



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