首页> 外文期刊>Electronics and communications in Japan >A Study on Reverse Power Flow from Home Cogeneration System

A Study on Reverse Power Flow from Home Cogeneration System


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This paper discusses reverse power How from a home cogeneration system (H-CGS) in terms of energy conservation and influence on electric power systems. Data for actual electricity and hot-water demand observed in a family including two adults and two children for a year were used as a case study for a typical installation. When the reverse power flow is allowed except for during late night, in consideration of the influence on the electric power system, the reduction in annual primary energy consumption can be increased by about 40% relative to that in the operation without reverse power. The reverse power flow is large during the daytime in winter season, because the power output of H-CGS is large in order to meet the large hot-water demand. Even if reverse power is allowed throughout a day, the primary energy conservation is almost the same as that in part-time reverse power operation, while the reverse power during late night is as large as that during daytime. Finally, the economic value of reverse power flow as a measure for reducing CO_2 emission was evaluated. The result shows that the economic value of reverse power flow in PR operation corresponds to 23,000 yen/t-C.
机译:本文讨论了节能和对电力系统的影响方面的家庭热电联产系统(H-CGS)的逆向发电方式。在一个有两名成年人和两名孩子的家庭中,观察到的实际电力和热水需求的数据用于典型装置的案例研究。如果除了深夜以外还允许逆潮流,则考虑到对电力系统的影响,与不进行逆潮流的运行相比,每年一次能源消耗的减少量可以增加约40%。 H-CGS的功率输出很大,可以满足大量的热水需求,因此冬季冬季白天的反向功率流很大。即使一整天都允许反向功率,一次节能与兼职反向功率运行几乎相同,而深夜的反向功率与白天的功率一样大。最后,评估了逆向潮流作为减少CO_2排放量的经济价值。结果表明,PR运行中的逆潮流的经济价值相当于23,000日元/ t-C。



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