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The Personal Model for Research version 2 and its visualization method to learn design of research proposals


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This paper introduces the “Personal Model for Research” (PMR) version 2 as a framework and a tool to learn design of research proposals. It is better to say “design” instead of “writing” as usually referred in literature because “writing” cognitively induces to see the making of a research proposal as a linear sequence of steps, when in practice the articulation of its elements is a “design” activity: non-linear and iterative. Consequently, the Design Thinking approach is one core foundation of the PMR. Another core foundation is Personal Motivation because it is the driving force to move towards an end and, therefore, complete projects. Thus, to identify personal interests as sources for motivation to do a research is a key activity that must be made at the beginning. The application of the PMR is supported by the “Canvas for Research”, a visualization method created to make visible its conceptual design and facilitate the articulation of elements for a research proposal before writing it as a document. As an ultimate purpose, the PMR aims to help students to think of research as an opportunity to demonstrate the best that they are able to do, thus contributing to knowledge and to humankind.
机译:本文介绍了“个人研究模型”(PMR)第2版,作为学习研究建议设计的框架和工具。最好说“设计”而不是文学中通常所说的“写作”,因为“写作”从认知上诱使将研究计划的制定视为线性的步骤序列,而在实践中其元素的表达是“设计”活动:非线性和迭代。因此,设计思维方法是PMR的核心基础之一。另一个核心基础是“个人动机”,因为它是推动最终发展并因此完成项目的动力。因此,识别个人兴趣作为进行研究动机的源泉是必须在一开始就进行的一项关键活动。 PMR的应用得到“研究画布”的支持,“画布研究”是一种可视化方法,旨在将其概念设计可视化,并在将其作为文档撰写之前便于阐明研究建议的要素。作为最终目的,PMR旨在帮助学生将研究视为展示自己所能做到最好的机会,从而为知识和人类做出贡献。



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