首页> 外文期刊>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety >Reproductive endpoints of Rhinella arenarum (Anura, Bufonidae): Populations that persist in agroecosystems and their use for the environmental health assessment

Reproductive endpoints of Rhinella arenarum (Anura, Bufonidae): Populations that persist in agroecosystems and their use for the environmental health assessment


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Degradation of the environment by agriculture affects the persistence and health of the amphibian populations. Characteristics related to reproduction of anuran can be used to evaluate the status of populations and as endpoints in environmental health assessment. In this in situ study the aspects related to the amplexus and ovipositions of the bioindicator species Rhinella arenarum that inhabits agroecosystems were analyzed. The hypothesis of this study is that perturbations of agroecosystems have a negative impact on the size of reproductive adults, on the size of ovipositions and eggs, and on the survival of eggs and embryos. Study area is located in the rural landscape of central Argentina. Four sampling sites were selected: Cl, C2 and C3 are ponds on agroecosystems; and SM is a reference site that is not affected by agriculture or livestock. Abundance of amplexus pairs, oviposition and tadpoles per site was recorded. Individuals' snout vent length (SVL) in am plexus was measured. The fecundity was calculated like number of eggs per oviposition. The eggs' Gosner stage, the diameter eggs and the frequency of dead and abnormal eggs were recorded by oviposition. Killing-power between egg-embryo and egg-tadpole was calculated. The higher phosphate concentration was detected in all agroecosystems and nitrate was detected in Cl and C2. Conductivity, salinity and SDT were higher in Cl site Male SVL from the SM site was lower than the other sites while the largest SVL was of female from the C3 site. The higher frequencies of sprouted eggs and of dead eggs were recorded in the C2 site. Egg diameter was associated with SM and correlated negatively to SVL of the male and female. No correlation between female SVL and oviposition size was recorded. Killing-power in the passage from egg to tadpole classes was higher in the three agroecosystems. The hypothesis of this study was corroborated in part. Reproductive adults in agroecosystems did not have smaller body size. However, in the agroecosystem ponds, the eggs with smaller diameter were registered, the oviposition had higher frequency of abnormal eggs and the higher mortality was registered. This confirms the high sensitivity of the early stages to environmental disturbances and sustains their use as endpoints for the environmental health assessment.
机译:农业对环境的破坏影响了两栖动物的持久性和健康。与无氧尿生殖有关的特征可用于评估种群状况,并可作为环境健康评估的终点。在这项原位研究中,分析了与栖息在农业生态系统中的生物指示物莱茵兰物种的歧义和产卵有关的方面。这项研究的假设是,农业生态系统的扰动对生殖成年个体的大小,产卵和卵子的大小以及卵子和胚胎的存活率具有负面影响。研究区域位于阿根廷中部的乡村景观中。选择了四个采样点:C1,C2和C3是农业生态系统上的池塘; SM是不受农业或牲畜影响的参考站点。记录每个部位的对数,双眼和o的丰度。测量了个体在神经丛中的鼻出口长度(SVL)。繁殖力的计算类似于每个产卵的卵数。通过产卵记录卵的Gosner阶段,卵的直径以及死卵和异常卵的频率。计算了卵胚和egg之间的杀灭力。在所有农业生态系统中均检测到较高的磷酸盐浓度,在Cl和C2中检测到硝酸盐浓度。 Cl位点的电导率,盐度和SDT较高,SM位点的雄性SVL低于其他位点,而C3位点的雌性最大的SVL为雌性。在C2站点记录了较高的发芽卵和死卵频率。卵径与SM相关,与雄性和雌性的SVL呈负相关。雌性SVL与产卵量之间没有相关性。在三种农业生态系统中,从卵类到t类的代杀力更高。这项研究的假设在一定程度上得到了证实。农业生态系统中的生殖成年个体体型较小。但是,在农业生态系统池塘中,直径较小的卵被记录下来,产卵的异常卵发生频率更高,死亡率也更高。这证实了早期阶段对环境扰动的高度敏感性,并持续将其用作环境健康评估的终点。



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