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Ramadan fasting, sex-ratio at birth, and birth weight: No effects on Muslim infants born in Germany


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Recent economic studies have shown negative effects of intrauterine exposure to Ramadan on birth outcomes and long-term economic outcomes. I examine the effect of Ramadan fasting on birth weight and the fraction of male births in Germany, which has large and diverse Muslim communities. Using data on 1 million births to Muslim mothers from 1996 to 2010, I find virtually no effect of Ramadan exposure on either outcome. Earlier results from other countries based on smaller samples can therefore not be generalized. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:最近的经济研究表明,宫腔内接触斋月对出生结局和长期经济结局具有负面影响。我考察了斋月禁食对出生体重和德国穆斯林人口中男性出生比例的影响。使用1996年至2010年穆斯林母亲一百万个婴儿的出生数据,我发现斋月暴露对这两种结果几乎没有影响。因此,无法概括其他国家基于较小样本得出的早期结果。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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