首页> 外文期刊>Economic Botany >Local use and cultural and economic value of products from trees in the Parklands of the municipality of Cinzana, Mali

Local use and cultural and economic value of products from trees in the Parklands of the municipality of Cinzana, Mali


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This paper reports on the most important non-timber forest products (NTFPs) marketed and used during the dry season in Cinzana, near Ségou, Mali. Data was gathered from villagers through market surveys and interviews with vendors, buyers, and key informants in traditional medicine. In the Sudano-sahelian agricultural region, NTFPs are collected from parklands, comprising of fallows and croplands. Of the 20 species, five were used in handicraft production, 11 yielded human foods, and 11 had medicinal uses. In addition, many tree species have multipurpose value: six of the 20 species were recorded to be food producers in addition to having uses for handicraft production and/or medicine. The contribution of herbaceous species to the NTFPs used and harvested during the dry season is negligible. Only one of the species was non-ligneous, indicating the large significance of tree species for local communities in a region with long seasonal dry periods.



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