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Signs of the times: the discourse of ‘three represents’ and globalisation


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In the past two decades, the economic reforms in China not only put Chinese society on the stage of globalisation, but also eroded the established significatory system set in Mao's China, the stability of meaning of governmental linguistic production has also been challenged. It is against such background that the official discourse of ‘Three Represents’ emerged. This paper intends to analyse the discourse of ‘Three Represents’ in the light of articulation as advanced by Stuart Hall, and examine the semiosis of these representations in the context of the reconstruction of epistemological theory. It argues that this on-going discursive practice is, in a way, a significant theoretical response by the CCP to the increasingly diversified social formation, the ‘signs of the times’, brought along by a new globalising economic structure. When signs of wealth are reinterpreted and re-evaluated in a new economic order, signs of authority (Bourdieu, 1991) which are intended to be believed and obeyed by the masses, have also shifted and been renegotiated to accommodate social changes.
机译:在过去的二十年中,中国的经济改革不仅使中国社会进入了全球化的舞台,而且侵蚀了毛泽东时代建立的意义体系,政府语言产生的意义稳定性也受到了挑战。在这样的背景下,出现了“三个代表”的官方话语。本文旨在根据斯图尔特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)提出的清晰表述来分析“三个代表”的论述,并在认识论理论重构的背景下研究这些代表的符号学。它辩称,这种持续的话语实践在某种程度上是中共对新的全球化经济结构带来的日益多样化的社会形态(时代的标志)的重大理论回应。当财富的符号在新的经济秩序中得到重新解释和重新评估时,旨在被大众相信和服从的权威符号(Bourdieu,1991)也发生了变化,并经过重新谈判以适应社会的变化。



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