首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Economics and Finance >The Impact of Sustainability on the Financial Performance of Jordanian Islamic Banks

The Impact of Sustainability on the Financial Performance of Jordanian Islamic Banks




The study looked into the effect of the three dimensions of sustainability (economic dimension, environmental dimension, and social dimension) on the financial performance of Jordanian Islamic banks represented by (return on assets, return on equity, and earnings per share) during the period (2008-2014). The study sample contained two main Islamic banks in Jordan, namely: Jordan Islamic Bank and Arab Islamic Bank. Required data was collected from the annual reports, financial statements, sustainability reports, and social responsibility reports of the Jordanian Islamic banks from (2008-2014). Items for the dimensions of sustainability were determined, and their level of exercise was measured, by analyzing the content of these reports (content analysis), as well as the financial indicators of financial performance, which have been extracted from the financial statements of the surveyed banks. The study results have shown the presence of a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of sustainability on the financial performance measured by ROA and EPS in the Jordanian Islamic banks. However, there was no statistically significant effect of the dimensions of sustainability on the financial performance as measured by ROE in those banks. Finally, the study has encouraged Islamic banks to adopt a rational and prudent investment and financial policies, make proper operational decisions to generate revenue, maximize profits, and achieve shareholder objectives, issue sustainability reports to discover if goals and activities are compatible to the goals and interests of society and the environment, and increase their interest in sustainability.
机译:该研究探讨了可持续性(经济维度,环境维度和社会维度)三维维度对(资产回报,每股盈利收益返回)所代表的约旦伊斯兰银行的财务表现(2008-2014)。该研究样本在约旦中载有两个主要的伊斯兰银行,即:约旦伊斯兰银行和阿拉伯伊斯兰银行。从约旦伊斯兰银行(2008 - 2014年)的年度报告,财务报表,可持续发展报告和社会责任报告中收集了所需数据。确定可持续性尺寸的项目,通过分析这些报告的内容(内容分析)以及财务表现的财务指标,从调查的财务报表中提取银行。该研究结果表明,在约旦伊斯兰银行ROA和EPS测量的财务表现的可持续性方面存在统计上显着影响。然而,在这些银行中ROE测量的财务表现的可持续性维度没有统计学显着的影响。最后,该研究鼓励伊斯兰银行采取理性和谨慎的投资和财务政策,使得采取适当的业务决策,以产生收入,最大化利润和实现股东目标,发出可持续发展报告,以了解目标和活动与目标兼容社会与环境的利益,并提高了对可持续性的兴趣。



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