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Hashtag Wars: Political Disinformation and Discursive Struggles on Twitter Conversations During the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Campaign

机译:Hashtag Wars:在2018年巴西总统活动期间,在Twitter谈话中的政治虚假和话语斗争



In this article, we analyze the spread of political disinformation in events of discursive struggles on Twitter, during the 2018 presidential election in Brazil. These were disputes for the hegemonic narrative between two stories based on opposed hashtags: one based on news from mainstream media and the other, based on disinformation, mostly from hyperpartisan outlets. Our goal was to understand how hyperpartisan outlets created and shaped these discursive struggles and the strategies used to spread disinformation to create an “alternative narrative” to the facts. Our case study is focused on two discursive struggles, for which we will use critical discourse analysis and social network analysis. Our findings suggest that (1) the structure of the hashtag wars was very polarized and right-wing groups had higher exposure to hyperpartisan content and disinformation, while traditional media discourse circulates more among other different ideological clusters; (2) right-wing hyperpartisan media mostly used biased framing and polarized ideological discourse structure as manipulative strategies to reframe the events and create a counter-narrative (and thus, to create the dispute); and (3) opinion leaders were major spreaders of disinformation among far-right users, as they reinforced hyperpartisan content and became key actors in the discursive struggles (and thus, reinforced the dispute).
机译:在本文中,我们在巴西的2018年总统选举中分析了Twitter对Twitter上的话语斗争事件中的政治伪造的传播。这些基于反对的Hashtags的两个故事之间的霸权叙事的争议:一个基于主流媒体的新闻,另一个基于伪信息,主要来自来自超帕尔托坦的网点。我们的目标是了解如何创造和塑造这些话语斗争以及用于传播伪造的策略,为事实创造“替代叙述”的策略。我们的案例研究专注于两种话语斗争,我们将使用批判性话语分析和社会网络分析。我们的研究结果表明,(1)Hashtag WARS的结构非常偏振,右翼组暴露于高杀菌含量和虚假信息,而传统的媒体话语在其他不同的思想中循环更多; (2)右翼超帕特兰媒体大多使用偏置框架和偏振的思想话语结构作为操纵策略,以重新举办活动并创造反叙事(因此,创造争议); (3)舆论领导者是远方用户的重要用户的主要展示,因为它们加强了异教徒含量,并成为话语斗争中的关键演员(因此,加强争议)。



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