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Emoji as Affective Symbols: Affective Judgments of Emoji, Emoticons, and Human Faces Varying in Emotional Content




An important function of emoji as communicative symbols is to convey emotional content from sender to receiver in computer-mediated communication, e. g., WhatsApp. However, compared with real faces, pictures or words, many emoji are ambiguous because they do not symbolize a discrete emotion or feeling state. Thus, their meaning relies on the context of the message in which they are embedded. Previous studies investigated affective judgments of pictures, faces, and words suggesting that these stimuli show a typical distribution along the big two emotion dimensions of valence and arousal. Also, emoji and emoticons have been investigated recently for their affective significance. The present study extends previous research by investigating affective ratings of emoji, emoticons and human faces and by direct comparison between them. In total, 60 stimuli have been rated by 83 participants (eight males, age: 18–49 years), using the non-verbal Self-Assessment Manikin Scales for valence and arousal. The emotionality of the stimuli was measured on a 9-point Likert scale. The results show significant main effects of the factors “stimulus category” and “discrete emotion” including emotionality, valence and arousal. Also, the interaction between these two main factors was significant. Emoji elicited highest arousal, whereas stimuli related to happiness were rated highest in valence across stimulus categories. Angry emoji were rated highest in emotionality. Also, the discrete emotion was best recognized in emoji, followed by human face stimuli and lastly emoticons.
机译:Emoji作为交流符号的一个重要功能是将发件人传达给计算机介导的通信中的发件人的情绪内容,例如。 g。,whatsapp。然而,与真正的面孔,图片或单词相比,许多表情符号是暧昧的,因为它们并不象征着离散的情绪或感觉状态。因此,它们的含义依赖于它们被嵌入的信息的上下文。以前的研究调查了对图片,面孔和单词的情感判断,表明这些刺激展示了沿着价值和唤醒的两种情绪尺寸的典型分布。此外,最近已经调查了表情符号和表情符号的情感意义。本研究通过研究表情符号,表情符号和人面的情感评级以及它们之间的直接比较来扩展以前的研究。总共有60名参与者(8名男性,年龄:18-49岁)的60种刺激,使用非言语自我评估Manikin尺度为价和唤醒。刺激的情绪是以9点李克特量表测量的。结果显示了因素“刺激类别”和“离散情绪”的重大影响,包括情绪,价值和唤醒。此外,这两个主要因素之间的相互作用是显着的。 Emoji引发了最高的唤醒,而与幸福有关的刺激在刺激类别中的价值最高。愤怒的表情符号在情感性中被评为最高。此外,离散情绪在表情符号中最受认可,其次是人脸刺激,最重要的表情符号。



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