首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Real-World Objects Are Represented in Visual Long-Term Memory Both as Unbound Features and as Bound Objects

Real-World Objects Are Represented in Visual Long-Term Memory Both as Unbound Features and as Bound Objects




Recent research has shown that observers store a vast amount of viewed real-world objects invisual long-term learning with high precision (e.g., Standing, 1973; Vogt and Magnussen, 2007;Brady et al., 2008), even when objects have been processed without any attention and intentionof learning (Kuhbandner et al., 2017). However, one open issue that has attracted considerableattention recently is the nature of the stored visual long-term memory representations. Sinceobjects are higher-level constructs that represent patterns of lower-level features, two contrastingviews have been put forward: objects may be stored in in the form of sets of independent featurerepresentations or in the form of unitary feature-bound object representations (e.g., Brady et al.,2013; van den Honert et al., 2017).
机译:最近的研究表明,观察者储存了大量观看的真实对象,高精度 没有任何关注和学习的未注意(Kuhbandner等,2017)。 但是,最近吸引了ImplableateTention的一个开放问题是存储的视觉长期内存表示的性质。 由于objects是代表较低级别特征的模式的更高级别构造,因此已经提出了两个对比度视图:对象可以以独立的特派团集合的形式存储或以单一特征束缚对象表示的形式存储(例如,Brady 等,2013年; van den honert等。,2017)。



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