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The Interpretation of Disjunction in the Scope of Dou in Child Mandarin




A recent theory provides a unified cross-linguistic analysis of the interpretations that are assigned to expressions for disjunction, Negative Polarity Items, Free Choice Items, and the non-interrogative uses of wh -phrases in languages such as Mandarin Chinese. If this approach is on the right track, children should be expected to demonstrate similar patterns in the acquisition of these linguistic expressions. Previous research has found that, by age four, children have acquired the knowledge that both the existential indefinite renhe “any” and wh -words in Mandarin Chinese are interpreted as Negative Polarity Items when they are bound by downward entailing operators, but the same expressions are interpreted as Free Choice Items (with a conjunctive interpretation) when they are bound by deontic modals (Mandarin keyi ) or by the Mandarin adverbial quantifier dou “all”. The present study extends this line of research to the Mandarin disjunction word huozhe . A Truth Value Judgment Task was used to investigate the possibility that disjunction phrases that are bound by the adverbial quantifier dou generate a conjunctive interpretation in the grammars of Mandarin-speaking 4-year-old children. The findings confirmed this prediction. We discuss the implications of the findings for linguistic theory and for language learnability.
机译:最近的理论提供了对分配给分配的解释,负极性项目,自由选择项目的解释的统一交叉语言分析,以及普通话中的语言中的Wh -phrase的非疑问用途。如果这种方法在正确的轨道上,则应预期儿童在获取这些语言表达式中展示类似的模式。以前的研究发现,截至4岁时,儿童获得了普通话中普通话中的存在性无限期renhe“任何”和WH·WH·WH·WH·WH-WHINGS当他们被向下引入的运营商束缚时被解释为负极性项目,而是相同的表达式被解释为自由选择项目(具有联合解释),当它们受到语义模数(普通话键)或普通话状语量词窦“全部”时。目前的研究将这一研究线扩展到普通话脱位Word Huozhe。真理价值判断任务用于调查由状语量词窦束缚的差异的可能性在讲普通话的4岁儿童的语法中产生联合解释。调查结果证实了这一预测。我们讨论了语言理论和语言可读性的调查结果的影响。



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