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The Social Meaning of Contextualized Sibilant Alternations in Berlin German




In Berlin, the pronunciation of /?/ as [?] is associated with the multi-ethnic youth variety ( Kiezdeutsch ). This alternation is also known to be produced by French learners of German. While listeners form socio-cultural interpretations upon hearing language input, the associations differ depending on the listeners’ biases and stereotypes toward speakers or groups. Here, the contrast of interest concerns two speaker groups using the [?]–[?] alternation: multi-ethnic adolescents from Berlin neighborhoods carrying low social prestige in mainstream German society and French learners of German supposedly having higher cultural prestige. To understand the strength of associations between phonetic alternations and social attributes, we ran an Implicit Association Task with 131 participants (three groups varying in age and ethnic background (mono- vs. multi-ethnic German) using auditory and written stimuli. In experiment 1, participants categorized written words as having a positive ( good ) or negative ( bad ) valence and auditory stimuli containing pronunciation variations of /?/ as canonical [?] (labeled Hochdeutsch [a term used in Germany for Standard German]) or non-canonical [?] (labeled Kiezdeutsch ). In experiment 2, identical auditory stimuli were used but the label Kiezdeutsch was changed to French Accent . Results show faster reaction times when negative categories and non-canonical pronunciations or positive categories and canonical pronunciations were mapped to the same response key, indicating a tight association between value judgments and concept categories. Older German listeners (OMO) match a supposed Kiezdeutsch accent more readily with negatively connotated words compared to a supposed French accent, while younger German listeners (YMO) seem to be indifferent toward this variation. Young multi-ethnic listeners (YMU), however, seem to associate negative concepts more strongly with a supposed French accent compared to Kiezdeutsch . These results demonstrate how social and cultural contextualization influences language interpretation and evaluation. We interpret our findings as a loss of cultural prestige of French speakers for the YMO group compared to the OMO group: younger urban listeners do not react differently to these contextual primes. YMU listeners, however, show a positive bias toward their in-group. Our results point to implicit listener attitudes, beliefs, stereotypes and shared world knowledge as significant factors in culturally- and socially situated language processing.
机译:在柏林,这个发音/?/作为[?]与多民族青年品种有关(Kiezdeutsch)。此次交替也被德语学习者制作。虽然听证者在听力输入时形成社会文化解释,但关联因听众的偏差和对扬声器或群体的刻板印象而不同。在这里,利益对比度涉及两个演讲者群体使用[?] - [?]交替:来自柏林社区的多民族青少年,在德国主流社会和法国学习者中携带低社会声望,德语王室据称具有更高的文化声望。要了解语音替代和社会属性之间的关联力量,我们用131名参与者担任隐式关联任务(使用听觉和书面刺激的年龄和种族背景(单夫人和种族背景不同的三组)。在实验1中,与会者分类为具有正(好的)或负(坏)价(坏)价(坏)价和含有发音变化的且听觉刺激的文字,含有/?/作为规范的[?](标有德国用于标准德国的术语])或非典范[?](标记为kiezdeutsch)。在实验2中,使用相同的听觉刺激,但标签Kiezdeutsch被改变为法国口音。结果显示否定的反应时间和非规范发音或阳性类别和规范发音时映射到较快的反应时间相同的响应密钥,表明价值判断和概念类别之间的紧密关联。旧的德国侦听器(OMO)匹配一个假设的k与假定的法国口音相比,Iezdeutsch更容易用负面内涵词语更容易重视,而年轻人的德国听众(YMO)似乎对这种变化漠不关心。然而,年轻的多种族侦听者(YMU)似乎与与Kiezdeutsch相比,与假定的法国口音更强烈地将消极概念与。这些结果表明了社会和文化情境化如何影响语言解释和评估。与OMO集团相比,我们将我们的调查结果解释为法语扬声器的法语扬声器的文化声望:年轻的城市听众对这些上下文素质没有不同的反应。然而,YMU听众对他们的群体表现出积极的偏见。我们的结果指出了隐含的倾听者态度,信仰,刻板印象和共同的世界知识,作为文化和社会方便的语言处理中的重要因素。



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