首页> 外文期刊>Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences >Assessment of Knowledge, Qualification, Experience, and Medication Dispensing Practices in South Karachi

Assessment of Knowledge, Qualification, Experience, and Medication Dispensing Practices in South Karachi




Drug stores in Pakistan are run by dispensers with varied knowledge, qualification, and experience. The current study was sought to explore the knowledge, qualification, experience, and dispensing practices among dispensers working in drugstores in South Karachi. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out using a structured questionnaire. Data were collected from medical stores in South Karachi which were then categorized, coded, and analyzed using SPSS version 23. Relationship among different study variables with pharmacist’s availability and personal experience was assessed using statistical non-parametric Chi-square test. A total of 385 samples obtained using a simple random sampling method were included in the study. However, only 210 responses on questionnaire were complete which were then selected for study analysis between October and December 2018. Results: Of the 210 surveyed drugstores, 9% of their staff had studied only till primary school, 5.7% till the eighth grade, 25.2% up to secondary school level, 26.7% till higher secondary school level, 15.7% had non-professional education, and 8.1% were professional graduate. Only 9% of them had a degree in Pharm. D or B. Pharm, while 0.5% had a post-graduation qualification. Furthermore, 44.8% of pharmacies had a valid pharmacy license but the pharmacist was physically absent in 91% of the drugstores. Majority of pharmacies did not maintain appropriate temperature (refrigerator and/or room temperature). Majority of dispensers did not review prescription particulars before dispensing medications and also dispensed medications on older prescriptions as well as without prescription. Conclusion: In conclusion, the overall knowledge and practices of dispensers working in drugstores was poor. However, the presence of pharmacist was associated with good dispensing practices to a certain extent.
机译:巴基斯坦的药店由分配器经营,具有各种知识,资格和经验。目前的研究是寻求探索在南卡拉奇的药店工作的分配器中的知识,资格,经验和分配实践。方法:使用结构化问卷进行横截面调查。从南卡拉奇的医疗商店收集数据,然后使用SPSS版本23进行分类,编码和分析。使用统计非参数Chi-Square测试评估了具有药剂师可用性和个人经验的不同研究变量之间的关系。在研究中包括总共385种使用简单的随机抽样方法获得的样品。但是,在2018年10月和12月期间只选择了对调查问卷的210次回应,然后在2018年10月和12月之间进行了研究分析。结果:210名调查药店,他们的9%的员工只研究了直到小学,直到八年级为5.7%,直到八年级为5.7%百分比高中,26.7%,直至高中学校,15.7%有非专业教育,8.1%是专业毕业生。其中只有9%的药物在Pharm。 D或B. Pharm,虽然0.5%有毕业后资格。此外,44.8%的药房有一个有效的药房许可证,但药剂师在91%的药物或药物的身体上没有。大多数药房没有保持适当的温度(冰箱和/或室温)。大多数分配器在分配药物之前没有审查处方细则,并在较旧的处方以及没有处方药物上分配药物。结论:总之,在药物营业中工作的分配器的整体知识和实践差。然而,药剂师的存在在一定程度上与良好的分配实践相关联。



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