首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >Music Intelligent Push Play and Data Analysis System Based on 5G Internet of Things

Music Intelligent Push Play and Data Analysis System Based on 5G Internet of Things




With the rapid development of information science today, multifunctional and intelligent applications have gradually become the focus of attention. In the data management system, the first consideration is the reliability of the data source, followed by the intelligent processing after the data are collected. Due to the upgrade of the Internet to the Internet of Things, the way of network information transmission has also become a problem that people need to think about. The transmission mode of network information services will be converted from the passive transmission of information by traditional servers to the form of actively pushing information. The application of intelligent push technology in the field of the Internet of Things is a prominent and important direction in the development of the Internet of Things. This article mainly introduces the research on the intelligent music push and data analysis system based on the 5G Internet of Things, with the intention of providing some ideas and directions for the research of the music intelligent push and play and data analysis system. This paper proposes a research method for music intelligent push playback and data analysis system based on 5G Internet of Things, including current intelligent push related technologies, music evaluation matrix, user dissimilarity matrix, and music feature similarity calculation. The experimental results in this paper show that with the increase in the number of users, the accuracy of the recommended results of the system under the Hadoop framework gradually stabilizes, eventually reaching 91.2%.



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