首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies >Nihon Senryoka no Chugoku Musurimu: Kahoku oyobi Monkyo niokeru Minzoku Seisaku to Jyoshi Kyoiku [Muslims in China under Japanese occupation: The ethnic minority policy and women’s education in the North China and Mongol military governments]

Nihon Senryoka no Chugoku Musurimu: Kahoku oyobi Monkyo niokeru Minzoku Seisaku to Jyoshi Kyoiku [Muslims in China under Japanese occupation: The ethnic minority policy and women’s education in the North China and Mongol military governments]

机译:Nihon Senryoka No Chugoku Musurimu:Kahoku Oyobi Monkyo Nioku Minzoku Seisaku到Jyoshi Kyoiku [中国的穆斯林在日本职业下:少数民族政策和妇女在华北和蒙古军事政府的教育]



This book is the first treatise that examines the conditions of Chinese Muslims in the Japan- occupied China.It focuses on the Muslimstrategy that wassystematically implemented by the Japanese army. It provides a consideration about how the wartime mobilization system was incorporated in the education of young people belonging to ethnic minorities in the above- mentioned area during the Sino–Japanese wartime (1931–1945).
机译:本书是第一个审查日本占据中国中国穆斯林的条件的论文。侧重于穆斯林斯特斯坦斯,穆斯林斯坦斯队以日本军队实施。 它介绍了在中日战时(1931-1945)期间如何纳入属于上述地区的少数民族的年轻人的教育中的战时动员制度。



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