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The Interplay Between Economic Status and Attractiveness, and the Importance of Attire in Mate Choice Judgments




Desirable characteristics of ‘opposite sex others’, such as physical attractiveness and economic status, can influence how individuals are judged. However, whether modifying economic status influences ratings of attractiveness differently in women and men remains to be determined. In two studies, ratings of economic status and attractiveness were quantified for male and female targets that were presented under various social contexts. Study 1 assessed judgments (n = 1359) of images of nine male and nine female targets in different sized groups containing only opposite-sex others (i.e. group size). While we found no significant effects of group size on male and female attractiveness, target female economic status increased when surrounded by two or more men. An ad hoc analysis controlling for the attire of the targets (Business or Casual) found that the association between target female economic status and group size occurred when females were in business attire. Study 2 investigates this effect further by presenting images of twelve males and twelve females, in higher and lower status attire (i.e. Business and Casual clothing) and measured judgements of attractiveness and economic status among women and men (n = 1038). Consistent with the results of Study 1, female economic status was only affected when women were in business attire. However, female economic status decreased when in the presence of other men in business attire. There were no sex differences in judgments of economic status when judging stimuli in casual attire. Additionally, negative associations between attractiveness and economic status were found for males presented in casual attire. We discuss these results in the light of evolutionary sexual conflict theory by demonstrating how the asymmetrical importance of status between men and women can influence mate choice judgments.
机译:“异性的异性”的理想特征,如身体吸引力和经济地位,可以影响个人的判断方式。然而,在女性和男性中,改变经济状况是否影响吸引力的评级仍有待确定。在两项研究中,为在各种社会背景下提出的男性和女性目标量化经济地位和吸引力的评级。研究1评估判断(n = 1359)的九个男性和九个女性目标的图像,其不同大小的群体仅含有异性他人(即组规模)。虽然我们发现群体大小对男性和女性吸引力没有显着影响,但目标女性经济地位在两个或两个以上的男性包围时增加。临时分析控制目标的服装(商业或随意)发现,当女性在商业服装中发生目标女性经济状况和团体规模之间的关联。研究2通过呈现十二名男性和十二名女性的图像,进一步调查这一效果,较高和下降的地位服装(即商务和休闲服装),并测量妇女和男性的吸引力和经济状况的判断(n = 1038)。与研究结果一致1,当妇女在商业服装时受到影响。然而,在商业服装的其他人面前,女经济状况下降。在临时服装判断刺激时,在经济状况判断中没有性别差异。此外,发现休闲服装的男性有吸引力和经济状况之间的负面协会。我们鉴于进化的性冲突理论讨论这些结果,通过了解男女地位的不对称重要性如何影响伴侣选择判断。



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