首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Validation of the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) on Nigerian Adolescents

Validation of the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) on Nigerian Adolescents




A cross-sectional survey design was adopted to validate The Schutte Self-report Emotions Intelligence Test (SSEIT) using Nigerian secondary school adolescents. A multistage sampling technique was used to purposively select the 200 ( mean a ge 16.00± 2.01) participants made up of 118 males and 82 females from four selected secondary schools in Odeda Local Government Areas of Ogun state Southwestern Nigeria. Participants responded to Schutte Self-report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) and Trait Emotional intelligence Questionnaire Short-Form) (TEIQue-SF). Observed internal consistency of SSIET showed a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of .90, a Spearman-Brown coefficient of .91 and Guttman Split-Half coefficient of .91. All items in the scale reported acceptable goodness-of-fit measures revealing corrected item-total correlations range of .60 to .83. Significant positive correlation was also observed between SSEIT and TEIQue-SF revealing concurrent validity score of (r = .656, p = .000). Determined new norms for SSEIT were scores ≥ 44.9 for male and ≥ 43.9 for female. SSEIT is gender sensitive and has acceptable psychometric properties for Nigerian population.
机译:采用横断面调查设计来验证使用尼日利亚中学青少年的Schutte自我报告情感情报测试(SSEIT)。多级采样技术用于有目的地选择200(平均GE 16.00±2.01)参与者由Ogun州西南尼日利亚Ogun Southwestern Southwestn Southwestn Southwestn Southwestn Southwestn Southwestn Southwestern Southwestern Southnwestn Southwestern Southwestnia Southwestern Southswestern Southswestern Southwestern Southwestern Southnwestnia西南部的118名女性组成。与会者回应了Schutte自我报告的情商测试(SSEIT)和特质情报调查问卷短片)(Teique-SF)。观察到SSIET的内部一致性显示了Cronbach的alpha系数.90,Spearman-Brown系数的.91和Guttman分裂半系数的.91。规模中的所有项目都报告了可接受的适合度量措施,揭示了校正的项目 - 总相关范围.60至.83。 Sseit和Teique-SF之间还观察到显着的正相关性,显示(r = .656,p = .000)的并发有效性得分。确定的SSEIT的新规范分数≥44.9的男性,女性≥33.9。 SSEIT是性别敏感的,对尼日利亚人口有可接受的心理测量性质。




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