首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Return on Educational Investment in the Face of Depreciation: A New Formulation and Tries to Apply on Individual Data

The Return on Educational Investment in the Face of Depreciation: A New Formulation and Tries to Apply on Individual Data




In this article, we propose to re-examine the relationship between training-returns into ? studying the factors that influence individual decisions. Previously, it was mainly the ? expected returns that encourage the individual to rationally make the investment decision. ? However, this relationship between training and expected earnings is not so obvious. This ? depends, among other things, on the effect of the depreciation of the stock of acquired human ? capital, which we propose a new formalization. Let us thus detect a relation which shows that ? the variation of the net salary is positive as long as the variation of the gross salary is positive. ? In other words, the net investment will only be positive if the depreciation does not exceed the gross ? investment. ? If applicable, the effect of the depreciation will lead to a reduction in the wage gap between ? skilled and unskilled workers. This result means that even when returns are different, wage ? convergence may still exist. ? The results of this study are applicable in terms of budget and forecast of funds intended for training, and to trace the policies of labor market regulation and the problem of unemployment of graduates.
机译:在本文中,我们建议重新审视培训返回之间的关系吗?研究影响个人决策的因素。以前,它主要是?预期的回报鼓励个人合理地制定投资决策。还是然而,这种培训和预期收入之间的关系并不明显。这个 ?除其他外,还依赖于所获得的人类股票的贬值的影响吗?资本,我们提出了一个新的形式化。因此,让我们检测一个显示的关系?只要总薪水的变化是阳性的,净薪水的变化是积极的。还是换句话说,如果折旧不超过毛额,净投资只会是积极的?投资。还是如果适用,折旧的效果将导致工资差距减少?熟练和不熟练的工人。这个结果意味着即使返回不同,工资也是如此?融合可能仍然存在。还是本研究的结果适用于培训的资金预算和预测,并追查劳动力市场监管的政策和毕业生失业问题。




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