首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Evaluation of Gender Difference Influence: Effects of Games on Acquisition of Science Process Skills in Junior Secondary School South East Nigeria

Evaluation of Gender Difference Influence: Effects of Games on Acquisition of Science Process Skills in Junior Secondary School South East Nigeria




The relevance of instructional games has made it an important instructional approach for the teaching and learning of science especially at junior secondary level. The present study was focused on gender difference influence: effects of games on acquisition of science process skills in junior secondary school south east Nigeria. The quasi-experimental design was used for this study. The population of this study consisted of the entire Junior Secondary School, Basic Science students one (JSS 1) of the thirty-five (35) public secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. The sample for the study was one hundred and sixty (160) Basic Science students and four Basic Science teachers from co-education secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu state. Stratified random sampling was employed to obtain the schools used for the study. The instruments used for the study was the Test of Science Process Skills Acquisition Test (TOSPSAT). The instruments were given to four (4) experts in science education, two (2) science educators (measurement and evaluators) and two (2) experienced integrated teachers for face and content validation. The reliability of TOSPSAT was done using Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R 20). The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used for testing hypotheses at P0.05 level of significance. The students taught using game teaching approach had higher mean science process skills acquisition scores in all the skills studied than those taught using conventional method. There was a significant difference in the mean science process skills acquisition scores of subjects exposed to games than those exposed to conventional method. Male and female students exposed to games scored higher in all the science process skills studied. There was no significant difference found in the mean science process skills acquisition scores of male and female students exposed to games. The interaction effect of instructional methods and gender on mean science process skills acquisition scores was not significant. The findings of this implies that students, teachers and curriculum planners should adopt the use of games in teaching and learning processes.
机译:教学游戏的相关性使其成为教学和学习的重要教学方法,特别是在初中级别。本研究专注于性别差异影响:游戏对初中尼日利亚初中科学工艺技能的影响。准实验设计用于本研究。本研究人口由大学教育区三十五(35)名公共中学的整个初中学校,基础科学生一(JSS 1)组成。该研究的样本是一百六十(160)个基本的科学生和来自Enugu国家的联合教育区的共同教育中学四个基本科学教师。采用分层随机抽样来获得用于研究的学校。用于该研究的仪器是科学过程技能采集测试的测试(TOSPSAT)。该仪器给了四(4)名科学教育专家,两(2)科学教育者(计量和评估人员)和两(2)名经验丰富的面部和内容验证的综合教师。使用kuder-richardson公式20(k-r 20)完成Tospsat的可靠性。使用均值和标准偏差来回答研究问题。协方差分析(ANCOVA)用于测试假设,P <0.05的意义。使用游戏教学方法教授的学生在研究的所有技能中的平均科学工艺技能收购分数比使用传统方法所教导的所有技能。暴露于游戏的均值的科学工艺技能获取得分比暴露于常规方法的常规方法存在显着差异。在研究的所有科学过程技能中,男性和女学生接触到更高的游戏。在暴露于游戏中的男性和女学生的平均科学工艺技能收购分数没有显着差异。教学方法和性别对平均科学过程技能获取得分的互动效应并不重要。这意味着这意味着学生,教师和课程规划者应采用在教学和学习过程中使用游戏。




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