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OpLiDaF - Open Linked Data Framework: una piattaforma per la creazione e la pubblicazione di linked data

机译:OPLIDAF - 打开链接数据框架:用于创建和发布链接数据的平台



ITACH@ Project, Innovative Technologies And Cultural Heritage Aggregation, intends to offer innovative tools for the development of the tourism industry and Italian culture. This paper analyzes the particular technological component defined OpLiDaF, Open Linked Data Framework, a platform aimed the creation, structuring and visualizing data in RDF/XML. The paper discusses also the different formats, with special attention to procedures and techniques of processing data in relational databases, according to the instructions provided by the W3C Working Group RDB2RDF. It is working on the development of standard languages for mapping relational data and relational database schemas into RDF and OWL. The paper aims to show the potential of a language mapping between relational database schemas and ontologies implemented in RDF(S) or OWL, used in the platform OpLiDaF: the R2O (Relational to Ontology), which enables the production of data set extensible semantics explicit and well recognized.
机译:ITACH @项目,创新技术和文化遗产汇总,打算为旅游业和意大利文化提供创新工具。本文分析了特定的技术组件定义了OPLIDAF,打开了链接数据框架,平台旨在创建,结构化和可视化RDF / XML数据。根据W3C工作组RDB2RDF提供的说明,本文还讨论了不同的格式,特别注意了处理数据库中的数据库中的数据库中的数据。它正在努力开发用于将关系数据和关系数据库模式映射到RDF和OWL中的标准语言。本文旨在展示在Platform Oplidaf中使用的RDF(S)或OWL中实现的关系数据库模式和本体之间的语言映射的潜力:R2O(与本体论)中的R2O(与属性关系),这使得数据集可扩展语义明确并得到了很好的认可。




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