首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Marvel's Spider-Man: 'Ragnoverso' crossmediale = Marvel's Spider-Man: crossmedia 'Spider-Verse'

Marvel's Spider-Man: 'Ragnoverso' crossmediale = Marvel's Spider-Man: crossmedia 'Spider-Verse'

机译:Marvel的蜘蛛侠:“Ragnoverso”Crossmedia = Marvel的蜘蛛侠:Crossmedia“Spider-Fresh”



Marvel's Spider-Man: crossmedia "Spider-Verse". This paper analyses the videogame Marvel's Spider-Man, released by Insomniac in 2018, from a crossmedia perspective. In particular, this study will enquire into the extent to which the examined videogame is influenced by the comics imaginary and, in turn, influences it. Furthermore, the examination will explore the mutual exchanges between comics and game story elements, which are essential in Marvel's Spider-Man to contribute to the processes of world and storyline building. Finally, the analysis will reveal the function of the urban environment at the time of creating transmedia connections, which are meant to construct and preserve the counterfactual scenario developed by Sony across several media. The main research objective is to underline that the narrative universe of Marvel Comics can benefit from the creation and preservation of the crossmedia "Gameverse".




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