首页> 外文期刊>Revista Katálysis >Human rights, democracy and neo-conservatism

Human rights, democracy and neo-conservatism




This issue of the journal Revista Katálysis offers a critical analysis of central and vital themes in thecurrent political situation in Brazil, based on the dynamics of the relations among the class struggle, theproduction and reproduction of social relations, and ideologies. At the same time, it focuses on the effectthese themes have on the field of social work, considering its particularities, mediations, and contradictionswithin the historical context. The perspective adopted throughout this issue of the journal expresses a theoreticalmethodological(and ideo-political) approach connected with methodological aspects related to historicalmaterialism, to the category of totality and to dialectical reasoning. Against this backdrop, the articles analyzetheir objects of study based on a common thread that forms a unity, relating their research problems to theconcrete historic contradictions of the development of capitalism in Brazil.




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