首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences >The Potential Impact of Self-medication and Drug Misuse Practice Among Youth Population in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

The Potential Impact of Self-medication and Drug Misuse Practice Among Youth Population in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo




Self-medication refers to the act of medicating oneself with no guidance from a physician. There are sevral factors that promote self-medication along with drug misuse among the population. In the frame of developing countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), these factors include lack of enforcement of laws governing the pharmaceutical sector, poor mindset of the population as well as easy access to drugs without official medical prescriptions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which self-medication and drug misuse practices affect the youth Congolese population health in the DRC's capital city, Kinshasa. Three sectors of Kinshasa were selected for a cross-sectional study conducted for five months (January to Mai 2020). Pharmacists or their auxiliairies were asked to draw up the list of ten drugs often purchased without medical prescriptions. In each of the selected pharmacies, 3 patients using self-medication were interviewed. A total of 120 phrarmacists or their auxiliairies and 360 patients (180 men and 180 women) were selected using systematic random sampling technique. Of the 120 questionnaires completed, a list of ten most used drugs in self-medication was established in the following dicreasing quantitative order: 106, 85, 83, 66, 66, 58, 51, 38, 29 and 23 pharmacists or their auxiliairies cited Amoxicillin capsule, Emergency Contraceptive Pill tablet, Paracetamol tablet, Dexamethasone tablet, Cyproheptadine tablet, Tetracyclin capsule, Levamisole tablet, Albendazole tablet, Quinine and Diclofenac injectables, respectively. Out of 360 questionnaires distributed, all medicines were administered by the route recommended by the physician except Dexamethasone tablet, Cyproheptadine tablet and Diclofenac injection where in 30.1%, 38.1% and 89.7% of self-medication cases the route of administration was other than the recommended route. From the recorded data, the age of most patients varied between 15-24 years old. Girls were more in self-medication than boys. Sometimes, the disease for which the drug was used, as well as the dosing, were found to be different from the instructions in patients' leaflet. And lastly, for most patients, the main source of information was family and/or friends. This study demonstrated that the practice of self-medication is very widespread in Kinshasa, unfortunately even antibiotics are misused, exposing the population to high risk of antimicrobial resistance development. The present findings encourage further investigations at national level to better advise the dicision makers to take appropriate measures to substantially mitigate self-medication and drug misuse practices.
机译:自我药物是指医生没有指导的审判自己的行为。有足迹促进自我药物以及人口中的药物滥用。在发展中国家的框架中,例如刚果民主共和国(DRC),这些因素包括缺乏执法制定制药部门的法律,人口差的难以理解的药物,没有官方医疗处方。本研究的目的是评估自我药物和滥用措施对DRC的首都Kinshasa的青年刚性人口健康影响的程度。选择了金沙萨的三个部门,为五个月(1月至Mai 2020)进行了横断面研究。被要求药剂师或他们的辅助人提出了在没有医疗处方购买的10种药物的列表。在每种选定的药房中,采访了3例使用自我药物的患者。使用系统随机采样技术,共选出总共120名削减者或其辅助者或其辅助者和360名患者(180名男子和180名女性)。在完成120次问卷调查中,在下面的Dicreasing定量阶数建立了一份自我药物中最多使用的药物的列表:106,85,83,66,66,58,51,38,29和23名药剂师或其辅助者Amoxicillin胶囊,紧急避孕药片剂,扑热酰胺片剂,地塞米松片剂,脱己平片,四环素胶囊,左旋蛋白酶片剂,苯胺蛋白,阿比萨唑片剂,奎宁和双氯芬酶注射剂。在360个问卷中分布出来,所有药物通过医师推荐的路线给药,除了地塞米松片,富普庚酮片和双氯芬饼注射,其中30.1%,38.1%和89.7%的自我药物案件的行政途径除了推荐之外路线。从记录的数据中,大多数患者的年龄在15-24岁之间变化。女孩比男孩更有自我用药。有时,发现药物的疾病以及给药的疾病与患者传单中的说明不同。最后,对于大多数患者来说,主要信息来源是家庭和/或朋友。本研究表明,自我用药的做法在金沙萨非常普遍,甚至滥用抗生素甚至滥用抗生素,将人口暴露于高抗微生物抗性发育的风险。本研究结果鼓励在国家一级进一步调查,以更好地建议Dicision制定者采取适当措施,以大大减轻自我用药和滥用滥用行为。




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