首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Service Science and Management >Evolution of Land Use in Two Drainage Basins in an Urban Area of Brasília-DF/Brazil

Evolution of Land Use in Two Drainage Basins in an Urban Area of Brasília-DF/Brazil

机译:在胸罩市区的两个排水盆地中使用土地的演变; Lia-df /巴西



The city of Brasilia, Brazil, is internationally known for its modern architecture based on the urbanism project of Lúcio Costa, which contemplated the urban center. Nowadays, despite partial planning and being one of the most famous urban landscapes in the world, the city presents frequent and challenging problems, among which we can highlight the countless cases of floods in various sectors of the urban area. This research had the objective to analyze the processes of use and occupation of the land in two drainage basins of first-order located in different urban nuclei full of paradoxes. Two drainage basins were selected, one located in Asa Norte , that is, inserted in the original planning of Lucio Costa, and another located in a region of recent urban expansion called águas Claras . For both basins, the analysis of land use was carried out in two distinct periods, 1964 and 2019. The results indicate that the city advanced exponentially over the original vegetation areas, with changes above 500% of the replacement of savannah by urban area. It should also be noted that the mere architectural planning of the city did not take into account the essential characteristics of the territory, since basic elements, such as topography and relief, that provide extremely relevant subsidies for drainage systems, were relegated.
机译:巴西巴西市(巴西)巴西市为基于LúcioSosta的城市主义项目而闻名于其现代建筑,该城市哥斯达预期城市中心。如今,尽管部分规划并成为世界上最着名的城市景观之一,但该市呈现出经常和挑战的问题,其中我们可以突出城市地区各个部门的无数洪水案件。该研究有目的是分析在不同城市核的一阶的两次排水盆地中使用和占用土地的使用过程。选择了两个排水盆,一个位于Asa Norte的一个,即插入了Lucio Costa的原始规划,另一个位于近期城市扩张的地区,称为ÁguasClaras。对于两个盆地来说,在两个不同的时期,1964年和2019年进行土地使用分析。结果表明,该市在原始植被领域呈指数级增长,以上500%的城市地区更换大草原500%。还应该指出的是,仅仅是该市的架构规划并没有考虑到该领域的基本特征,因为基本要素,如地形和救济,为排水系统提供极为相关的补贴,得到了降级。



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