首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Natural Sciences Research >Morphometric Study of Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin and Barneby in Kenya

Morphometric Study of Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin and Barneby in Kenya

机译:塞纳·德米博莫洛妥(Fresen)的形态学研究。肯尼亚的H. S. Irwin和Barneby



Herbal medicine has been used for many years and it remains widespread in developing countries while the use of complementary alternative medicine is increasing rapidly in developed countries. Senna didymobotrya is important for its medicinal use among many communities to treat a wide range of ailments. The study examines the patterns of morphological variation and phenetic relationships among 39 populations of S. didymobotrya in Kenya using17 quantitative and 17 qualitative characters. A survey was carried out in Siaya, Kisumu, Nandi and Nakuru Counties to collect S . didymobotrya plants. Results on morphometric analysis indicated that the standard deviations were highly significant when all quantitative characters were considered. Stem diameter, plant height and stem height had the highest standard deviation of 13.14, 11.74 and 11.15 respectively. Leaf length and Internodal length had the lowest standard deviations of 0.18 each. Principal component analysis indicated that the plant height, stem height, stem diameter, habitat, pod length, pod width and number of seeds accounted for a cumulative percentage of 70% and above of the cumulative variance in a lineal combination of parameters hence can be used to separate the populations. Correlation matrix of the morphological characters indicated a high positive correlations between inflorescence length of basal stalk and inflorescence length (0.83), stem height and plant height (0.62), leaflet width and leaflet length (0.56), leaflet number and leaf number (0.54), pod width and pod length (0.52). The cluster analysis dendrogram placed the plants in four major clusters; Cluster 1 had one plant accession PJ/NK/33 collected from Nakuru County. Cluster II had one plant PJ/KS/13 collected from Kisumu County. In Cluster IV also had one plant accession PJ/SI/2 collected from Siaya County. Cluster III consisted of 36 plants with close relationship (Plants accessions PJ/SI/4 - 10, PJ/KS/11- 18, PJ/NA/19 - 29, PJ/NK/30 - 32 and PJ/NK/34 – 39). The highest similarities and high variations in cluster I, II, and III results that call the relationship between them in question. An identification key has been constructed which, for the first time, can be used to assign herbarium specimens to their respective taxa. Further research should be carried out to collect more samples from other regions within the country and other parts of the world to understand the morphological variations sufficiently to circumscribe the taxonomical doubts on how many species and/or lineages that do exist due to the influence of habitat type on the morphological variation between populations and if other methods like molecular markers (isozymes or microsatellites) are employed ,to reveal patterns of genetic variability. The beneficiaries of this study are the herbalists, pharmacologists, researchers, patients and the general public.
机译:在发达国家使用互补替代医学时,在发展中国家仍然普遍存在,在发展中国家仍然普遍存在。 Senna Didymobotrya对于许多社区中的药用使用很重要,以治疗各种疾病。该研究探讨了使用17定量和17个定性特征的肯尼亚的39个雌二象蛋白的形态变异和致稚关系的模式。调查是在Siaya,Kisumu,Nandi和Nakuru县进行的调查,以收集S.迪摩博丁兰植物。不同情况分析的结果表明,当考虑所有定量性状时,标准偏差非常显着。茎直径,植物高度和茎高的标准偏差分别为13.14,11.74和11.15。叶长度和髁间长度的最低标准偏差为0.18。主要成分分析表明,植物高度,茎高,茎直径,栖息地,荚长度,荚宽度和种子的数量占累积百分比的70%及以上参数的累积方差,因此可以使用分开群体。形态特征的相关矩阵表明了基础茎秆和花序长度(0.83),茎高和植物高度(0.62),小叶宽度和小叶长度(0.56),小叶号和叶子数(0.54)之间的高正相关性,豆荚宽度和荚长(0.52)。集群分析树木放置在四个主要集群中的植物;集群1有一个植物加入PJ / NK / 33,从纳库鲁县收集。集群II有一株植物PJ / KS / 13,从基苏默县收集。在集群中,IV也有一个从Siaya County收集的植物加入PJ / SI / 2。集群III由36个具有密切关系的植物组成(植物牧草PJ / SI / 4 - 10,PJ / KS / 11-18,PJ / NA / 19 - 29,PJ / NK / 30 - 32和PJ / NK / 34 - 39)。呼叫他们之间的关系的集群I,II和III结果的最高相似之处和高变化。已经构建了识别键,这是第一次可用于将植物标目标本分配给各自的分类群。应进一步研究,以收集来自国家内部的其他地区和世界其他地区的更多样本,以了解充分的形态学变化,以限制分类分类疑问,这些疑虑是由于栖息地影响所有的许多物种和/或谱系键入群体之间的形态变异,以及采用分子标记物(单体梭菌或微卫星)等其他方法,以揭示遗传变异性的模式。本研究的受益者是草药,药剂师,研究人员,患者和公众。



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