首页> 外文期刊>Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology >Law of Physics 20&sup&th&/sup&-Century Scientists Overlooked (Part 4): Mass Extinction by Aether Deprivation

Law of Physics 20&sup&th&/sup&-Century Scientists Overlooked (Part 4): Mass Extinction by Aether Deprivation

机译:物理学法则20& sup& th& / sup&gt ;-century科学家忽略了(第4部分):通过剥夺的群众灭绝



Extreme gravitational collapse is explored by utilizing two fundamental properties and one reasonable assumption, which together lead logically to an end-state gravitating structure. This structure, called a Terminal state neutron star, manifests nature’s ultimate density of mass and possesses the ultimate electromagnetic barrier. It is then shown how this structure is central to the remarkable mechanism whereby the density is prevented from going higher. A simple process assures that such density is not exceeded—regardless of the quantity of additional mass. As an example, the discourse focuses on the expected progression and outcome when a compact star of —far more mass than can be accommodated by the basic Terminal state structure—undergoes total gravitational collapse. An examination of what happens to the considerable excess mass leads the discussion to the principle of mass extinction by the process of aether deprivation and its profound implications for black-hole physics and the current revolution in cosmology.
机译:通过利用两个基本性质和一个合理的假设来探索极端的引力崩溃,其在逻辑上一起引导到最终的重力结构。这种称为终端状态中子星的结构表现出自然的最终密度的质量,并且具有最终的电磁屏障。然后示出了这种结构是如何核心的显着机制,从而防止密度更高。简单的过程确保不超过这种密度 - 无论额外质量的数量如何。作为一个例子,话语专注于预期的进展和结果,当QuAR的紧凑型颗粒比可以被基本终端状态结构 - 经历总重力塌陷时。考察大量群众的发生情况会导致讨论通过剥夺的过程和对黑洞物理和宇宙学中当前革命的影响,对群众灭绝的讨论。



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