首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering >Relevance of Protein Content within the Renal Scaffold for Kidney Bioengineering and Regeneration

Relevance of Protein Content within the Renal Scaffold for Kidney Bioengineering and Regeneration




Chronic kidney disease is currently a major public health problem around the world. Although hemodialysis increases survival of patients with end-stage renal disease, kidney transplantation remains the only potentially curative treatment. However, transplantation as a therapeutic option is limited by availability of suitable donor organs. This situation highlights the urgent need to find new and potentially inexhaustible sources of transplantable organs. Perfusion decellularizarion of whole organs is a novel approach to organ engineering and regeneration. In the present research, we used a continuous perfusion decellularization protocol to eliminate cellular componet of kidney and evaluated residual scaffold components after decellularizarion process by proteomics analysis. Our proteomic data show that this protocol results in incomplete removal of cellular proteins. However, unlike other authors, we assume that proteins retained within decellularized kidney scaffold could be the basis for specific homing and celular differentation in the recellularization process.



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