首页> 外文期刊>Toxins >Development of a Treatment Protocol for Cobra ( Naja naja ) Bite Envenoming in Dogs

Development of a Treatment Protocol for Cobra ( Naja naja ) Bite Envenoming in Dogs

机译:开发COBRA(Naja Naja)咬伤患者的治疗方案



There is limited information on clinical profiles, treatment, and management aspects of Indian cobra ( Naja naja ) bite envenoming in dogs in Sri Lanka. Dogs with cobra bites presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Peradeniya, were prospectively studied over a period of 72 months; local and systemic clinical manifestations and hematological abnormalities were recorded. We studied 116 cobra bite envenomings in dogs. A grading system was established using a combination of anatomical site of fang marks, as well as local and systemic clinical manifestations. Accordingly, treatment strategies were established using Indian polyvalent antivenom (AVS). Pain and swelling at the bite site were major clinical signs observed, while neurotoxic manifestations (mydriasis, wheezing, and crackles) were detected in most dogs. Leukocytosis was observed in 78% of them. Statistical analysis revealed that the grading scores obtained were compatible to initiate AVS administration according to the severity. The minimum number required was 2 AVS vials (range 2–12). Almost 20% of the dogs developed wheezing, crackles, hypersalivation, restlessness, and dyspnea as adverse reactions to AVS treatment. Necrotic wounds on bitten anatomical sites developed in 19% of the dogs and 2.5% developed acute kidney injuries as a consequence of envenoming crisis. Despite treatment, 3% of dogs died. No dry bites were recorded.
机译:有关斯里兰卡犬狗的印度眼镜蛇(Naja Naja)咬合的临床概况,治疗和管理方面的信息有限。随着佩内亚大学兽医教学医院(VTH)的狗,佩内亚大学的狗在72个月的时间内进行了前瞻性研究;记录局部和全身临床表现和血液学异常。我们研究了狗的116个Cobra Bite Envenomings。使用Fang Marks的解剖部位以及局部和系统性临床表现的组合来建立分级系统。因此,使用印度多价抗动子(AVS)建立治疗策略。咬咬伤的疼痛和肿胀是观察到的主要临床症状,而在大多数狗中检测到神经毒性表现(瞳孔症,喘息,爆发)。在78%的78%中观察了白细胞增多症。统计学分析显示,获得的分数与根据严重程度引发AVS给药相容。所需的最小数量是2个AVS小瓶(范围2-12)。近20%的狗产生了喘息,噼啪声,过度增强,躁动和呼吸困难,以及对AVS治疗的不良反应。由于展示危机,在19%的狗和2.5%发育急性肾脏伤害中产生的被咬伤解剖部位的坏死伤口。尽管治疗,3%的狗死了。没有记录干咬伤。



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