首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola >Effect of different levels of methionine, protein and tallow on the productive performance and egg quality of laying hens in the late-phase production

Effect of different levels of methionine, protein and tallow on the productive performance and egg quality of laying hens in the late-phase production




An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different levels of methionine, protein and tallow on productive performance and egg quality of laying hens in the late phase of production. A completely randomized design with a 3×2×2 factorial arrangement, with three levels (0.34, 0.31, and 0.27%) of methionine (MET), two levels (12.8 and 14.7%) of protein (PRO) and two levels (1 and 3%) of tallow (TAL) with constant level of linoleic acid (1.55 ± 0.02%), was used. A number of 144 Hi-Line W-36 layers from 70 to 76 wk of age was randomly distributed into 12 treatment groups with 4 replicates of 3 hens each. Egg production and egg weight were daily recorded and feed intake and egg quality traits were recorded every 2 wk. There was a significant interaction between PRO levels and TAL for egg weight. Low levels of TAL and PRO decreased egg weight throughout the experiment. High levels of MET and TAL with concomitant reduced PRO, increased eggshell thickness, and a significant interaction between levels of MET, PRO and TAL was observed during the experiment (70 to 76 wk). Low level of protein (12.8%) significantly decreased albumen weight in the third 2-wk period. Yolk color increased when hens were fed low levels of PRO and TAL. Results of this experiment indicated that the simultaneous reduction of dietary PRO and MET in diets of Hi-Line W-36 laying hens in the late phase of production, reduced egg weight (P<0.05). Productive performance and egg quality were not affected by 12 and 20% reduction of PRO and MET, respectively. It seems that decreasing the levels of MET and PRO to lower than the recommended values can decrease egg weight without negative effects on productive performance and egg quality of laying hens in the late phase of production.
机译:进行了一个实验,以确定不同水平蛋氨酸,蛋白质和脂肪水平对生产后期生产后母鸡生产性能和蛋质的影响。完全随机设计,具有3×2×2因子布置,具有三个级别(0.34,0.31和0.27%)的蛋氨酸(MET),两种水平(12.8和14.7%)蛋白质(Pro)和两种水平(1使用具有恒定水平的亚油酸(1.55±0.02%)的3%)牛油酸(1.55±0.02%)。从70〜76周龄的144个高线W-36层随机分布到12个治疗组中,每次4次重复。鸡蛋产量和鸡蛋重量是每天记录,每2周记录饲料摄入量和鸡蛋质量特征。 Pro水平与鸡蛋重量之间存在显着的相互作用。在整个实验中,低水平的缩小和Pro级别下降。在实验期间,观察到高水平的蛋白酶和伴随的Pro,蛋壳厚度增加,蛋壳厚度增加,Pro和Tal水平之间的显着相互作用(70至76周)。在第三个2-WK期间,低水平的蛋白质(12.8%)显着降低了蛋白重量。当母鸡喂食低水平的Pro和Tal时,卵黄颜色增加。该实验的结果表明,在生产后期生产的高线W-36饮食中同时减少饮食专业,降低蛋重量(P <0.05)。生产性能和鸡蛋质量不受Pro的12%和20%的影响,并且达到20%。似乎降低了遇见和专业水平,低于推荐的值,可以降低卵体,而不会对生产后期生产的铺设母鸡的生产性能和鸡蛋质量产生负面影响。



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