首页> 外文期刊>PLoS Computational Biology >Synaptic Plasticity in Neural Networks Needs Homeostasis with a Fast Rate Detector

Synaptic Plasticity in Neural Networks Needs Homeostasis with a Fast Rate Detector




Hebbian changes of excitatory synapses are driven by and further enhance correlations between pre- and postsynaptic activities. Hence, Hebbian plasticity forms a positive feedback loop that can lead to instability in simulated neural networks. To keep activity at healthy, low levels, plasticity must therefore incorporate homeostatic control mechanisms. We find in numerical simulations of recurrent networks with a realistic triplet-based spike-timing-dependent plasticity rule (triplet STDP) that homeostasis has to detect rate changes on a timescale of seconds to minutes to keep the activity stable. We confirm this result in a generic mean-field formulation of network activity and homeostatic plasticity. Our results strongly suggest the existence of a homeostatic regulatory mechanism that reacts to firing rate changes on the order of seconds to minutes.
机译:Hebbian的兴奋性突触的变化是由并且进一步增强了前后活动与突触前活动之间的相关性。因此,Hebbian可塑性形成正反馈回路,这可能导致模拟神经网络中的不稳定性。为了保持健康,低水平,可塑性必须包含稳态控制机制。我们发现经常性网络的数值模拟,其具有基于现实的三态的峰值 - 时序依赖性可塑性规则(Triplet STDP),其稳态必须检测速度变化的时间秒钟,以便保持活动稳定。我们确认这一结果是网络活动和稳态可塑性的通用平均字段制定。我们的结果强烈建议存在稳态监管机制,该机制对射击率的反应在几秒钟内变化。



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