首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Medical Psychology >Attitudes to Group Assessments: Prospective Psychotherapists’ Experiences of Being Assessed by Fellow Students

Attitudes to Group Assessments: Prospective Psychotherapists’ Experiences of Being Assessed by Fellow Students




Background: The guidance of prospective therapists focused on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is most often made by groups of four students. However, learning therapist skills is a sensitive process that will be affected by the processes which occur within the group. Objective: The aim was to examine prospective psychotherapists’ attitudes to group assessments based on the revised version of the Cognitive Therapy Scale (CTS-R). Method: Participants were 56 students with an average age of 45.65 years (range = 31 - 64). They were recruited from psychotherapy training at the Gothenburg University and the Evidens University College in Sweden. A questionnaire was constructed in which the questions were answered by check on visual analogue scales (VAS). Results: A majority of students consisting of 38 participants (68%) had a very positive approach to group assessments, while a minority of 18 participants (32%) was more negative. Most crucial for how to answer the question of group assessments was whether they considered themselves as fairly evaluated by their student colleagues within the group and whether or not only the supervisor should make the assessments. The view of group assessments (negative or positive) was not related to age, gender, and level of education in CBT or profession. In addition, both groups had a very positive view of both the CTS-R and the supervisors. Conclusion: It was concluded that more studies with the same focus are needed to determine the extent to which the results are generalizable.
机译:背景:专注于认知行为治疗(CBT)的前瞻性治疗师的指导最常由四名学生组成。然而,学习治疗师技能是一个敏感的过程,它将受到组内发生的过程的影响。目的:旨在审查前瞻性心理治疗师对小组评估的态度,根据认知治疗规模的修订版(CTS-R)。方法:参与者是56名学生,平均年龄为45.65岁(范围= 31 - 64)。他们是哥德堡大学的心理治疗培训和瑞典伊维登大学学院的招聘。建立了调查问卷,其中通过检查视觉模拟尺度(VAS)回答问题。结果:大多数由38名参与者组成的学生(68%)有一个非常积极的分组评估方法,而少数18名参与者(32%)更为负面。最重要的是如何回答集团评估的问题是他们是否认为自己是本集团内的学生同事的公平评估,以及是否只有主管是否应该进行评估。集团评估(负面或积极)的观点与CBT或专业的年龄,性别和教育程度无关。此外,两组都对CTS-R和主管进行了非常积极的观点。结论:得出结论是,需要更多的研究来确定结果普遍性的程度。



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