首页> 外文期刊>Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems >Synergistic activity of filtrates of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Saccharomyces boulardii and antibacterial preparations against Corynebacterium spp.

Synergistic activity of filtrates of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Saccharomyces boulardii and antibacterial preparations against Corynebacterium spp.




We present the results of the first study of the combined influence of the biologically active substances Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG ATCC 53103 and Saccharomyces boulardii, obtained by the author’s method, and antibacterial agents on Corynebacterium spp. The first area of research was the study of increasing the sensitivity of toxigenic microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs due to the consecutive effects of the structural components and metabolites of L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii and antibacterial drugs on Corynebacterium spp. tox+. The greatest increase in the sensitivity of test-cultures of corynebacteria to penicillin (by 19.4 mm), imipenem (by 15.0 mm), vancomycin (by 12.0 mm), gentamicin (by 11.0 mm), ciprofloxacin (by 9.8 mm), erythromycin (by 9.6 mm), cefotaxime (by 9.5 mm) occurred due to the products of lactobacteria and a combination of metabolites of lactobacteria and saccharomycetes. The second area of research was the study of the synergic activity of substances L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii and traditional antibacterial drugs manifested by their simultaneous effect on Corynebacterium spp. Maximum potentiation of azithromycin (by 4.6 mm), erythromycin (by 4.5 mm), cefotaxime (by 2.2 mm), ceftriaxone (by 1.6 mm) and ampicillin (by 1.0 mm) relative to corynebacteria was also observed under the influence of lactobacteria metabolites and a combination of lactobacteria and saccharomycetes metabolites. Different degrees of manifestation of the combined action of biologically active substances L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii with antibiotics were determined, which depended on the selected combinations, the method of influence on the microorganism, the individual sensitivity of the test-cultures, the activity of the test filtrates and the initial concentration of the producers used to obtain the products of vital activity of lactobacteria and saccharomyces. The presented complexes of structural components and metabolites of L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii, obtained without the use of traditional nutrient media, by increasing the bioavailability of pathogenic pathogens can reduce the required concentration of the antibiotic, continuing their use, and suspend the likelihood of pathogens developing resistance to microorganisms. This makes them promising candidates both for the development of "accompaniment-preparations" for antibiotics for the additional therapy of infectious diseases of different etiology, and for the creation of a new direction of antimicrobial agents with multifunctional capabilities. Synergistic activity of filtrates L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii and antibacterial preparations against Corynebacterium spp.
机译:我们介绍了通过作者方法获得的生物活性物质Lactobacillus rhamoosus GG ATCC 53103和Saccharomyces Boulardii的组合影响的结果。由于L.Rhamosus GG和S.Boulardii的结构组分和S.Boulardii的连续效应,增加了抗菌药物,提高了毒性微生物对抗微生物药物的敏感性的研究。托克斯+。柔霉素对青霉素的测试培养敏感性的最大增加(乘19.4毫米),伊皮思姆(15.0毫米),万古霉素(12.0mm),庆大霉素(缩短11.0mm),环丙沙星(按9.8毫米),红霉素(由于乳杆菌产物和乳菌和酵母菌代谢物的组合,发生了9.6毫米),发生了头孢噻肟(达9.5毫米)。第二个研究领域是研究物质L.Rhamosus Gg和Boulardii和传统抗菌药物的协同活性,表现为它们对棒状杆菌SPP的同时发生。在乳酸菌代谢物的影响下,还观察到厌氧代谢物的影响,在乳酸乳链菌和糖尿病的影响下,也观察到相对于棒状菌的含氮霉素(4.6mm),红霉素(乘4.5mm),头孢菌(×1.6mm)和氨苄青霉素(×1.0mm)乳腺癌和糖酵母代谢物的组合。确定了生物活性物质L. rhamosus Gg和S.Boulardii与抗生素的组合作用的不同程度的表现,依赖于所选组合,对微生物影响的方法,测试培养物的个体敏感性,试验滤液的活性和生产者的初始浓度用于获得乳腺癌和酿酒酵母的重要活性的产物。通过增加致病病原体的生物利用度可以减少抗生素所需的浓度,继续使用传统的营养培养物,所以在不使用传统营养培养物的情况下获得的结构组分和S.Boulardii的综合体。通过增加致病病原体的生物利用度,继续使用,并悬挂病原体的可能性发育对微生物的抗性。这使得它们对抗生素进行“伴奏”的“伴奏性”的发展,使其承诺为不同病因的传染病的额外治疗,以及创造具有多功能能力的抗微生物剂的新方向。滤液的协同活性L. rhamosus Gg和S.Boulardii的抗菌制剂和针对棒状杆菌的抗菌制剂。



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