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The nexus between education and fertility in six European countries




Given the many linkages between education and family behaviour, the expansion of higher education especially among women in recent decades may have important consequences for fertility in Europe. This is a crucial factor in both the New Home Economics (NHE) theory and the Second Demographic Transition (SDT) that predict a negative association between fertility and education. However, more recently, the Gender Revolution (GR) approach has emphasised the role of gender egalitarianism both in society and within households as a boost for fertility. By adopting a comparative perspective on six European countries, this paper reports our research on the effect of education on the fertility choices in light of the foregoing three different theoretical explanations. Using data from the second wave of Generation and Gender surveys (GGS) for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Poland, and the ISTAT survey “Famiglie e Soggetti Sociali” for Italy, we estimated the propensity to have the first and the second child birth on women born between 1940 and 1979 by means of multiprocess hazard models. For the first childbirth, the influence of education on fertility behaviours not only remains important but also tends to increase among younger cohorts. This result matches the NHE and SDT explanation, suggesting a similar evolution towards an erosion of the family. Conversely, for the second childbirth we found marked differences among countries suggesting an East-West polarisation giving support to the GR approach. However, peculiarities for the Italian case linked to a tempo effect emphasize the need to go beyond the West-East dichotomy.
机译:鉴于教育和家庭行为之间的许多联系,近几十年来尤其是妇女的高等教育的扩张可能对欧洲生育能力产生重要影响。这是新的家庭经济学(NHE)理论和第二个人口转型(SDT)的关键因素,预测生育与教育之间的负面关联。然而,最近,性别革命(GR)方法强调了性别平等主义在社会和家庭中的作用,作为生育的推动。通过采用六个欧洲国家的比较观点,本文报告了我们对鉴于上述三种不同理论解释的教育对生育选择的影响的研究。使用来自第二波生成和性别调查(GGS)的数据,为保加利亚,捷克共和国,法国,德国和波兰,以及意大利的ISTAT调查“Famiglie E Soggetti Sociali”,我们估计了拥有第一个和第一个的倾向第二款儿童诞生于1940年至1979年间出生的妇女通过多处理危险模型。对于第一次分娩,教育对生育行为的影响不仅仍然重要,而且往往增加了年轻的队列。这结果与NHE和SDT解释相匹配,表明对家庭侵蚀的类似演变。相反,对于第二个分娩,我们发现各国之间的差异显着的差异,建议东部的东部极化,为GR方法提供支持。然而,与节奏效果相关的意大利案件的特殊性强调需要超越西部二分法。



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