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Use of automatic radiosonde launchers to measure temperature and humidity profiles from the GRUAN perspective




In the last two decades, technological progress has not only seen improvements to the quality of atmospheric upper-air observations but also provided the opportunity to design and implement automated systems able to replace measurement procedures typically performed manually. Radiosoundings, which remain one of the primary data sources for weather and climate applications, are still largely performed around the world manually, although increasingly fully automated upper-air observations are used, from urban areas to the remotest locations, which minimize operating costs and challenges in performing radiosounding launches. This analysis presents a first step to demonstrating the reliability of the automatic radiosonde launchers (ARLs) provided by Vaisala, Meteomodem and Meisei. The metadata and datasets collected by a few existing ARLs operated by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) certified or candidate sites (Sodankyl?, Payerne, Trappes, Potenza) have been investigated and a comparative analysis of the technical performance (i.e. manual versus ARL) is reported. The performance of ARLs is evaluated as being similar or superior to those achieved with the traditional manual launches in terms of percentage of successful launches, balloon burst and ascent speed. For both temperature and relative humidity, the ground-check comparisons showed a negative bias of a few tenths of a degree and %?RH, respectively. Two datasets of parallel soundings between manual and ARL-based measurements, using identical sonde models, provided by Sodankyl? and Faa'a stations, showed mean differences between the ARL and manual launches smaller than ±0.2 K up to 10 hPa for the temperature profiles. For relative humidity, differences were smaller than 1 %?RH for the Sodankyl? dataset up to 300 hPa, while they were smaller than 0.7 %?RH for Faa'a station. Finally, the observation-minus-background (O–B) mean and root mean square (rms) statistics for German RS92 and RS41 stations, which operate a mix of manual and ARL launch protocols, calculated using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) forecast model, are very similar, although RS41 shows larger rms(O–B) differences for ARL stations, in particular for temperature and wind. A discussion of the potential next steps proposed by GRUAN community and other parties is provided, with the aim to lay the basis for the elaboration of a strategy to fully demonstrate the value of ARLs and guarantee that the provided products are traceable and suitable for the creation of GRUAN data products.
机译:在过去的二十年中,技术进步不仅可以改善大气高空气观测的质量,而且还提供了设计和实施能够更换通常手动执行的测量程序的自动化系统的机会。仍然是天气和气候应用的主要数据源之一,仍然主要在世界各地在世界各地进行,尽管使用越来越全自动的上空气观察,从城市地区到最偏远的地方,这最大限度地减少了运营成本和挑战在执行辐射发射时。该分析介绍了展示Vaisala,Meteomodem和Meissi提供的自动无线电发射器(ARL)的可靠性的第一步。由全球气候观测系统(GCOS)参考上空网络(GROUN)认证或候选地点(SOODANKYL',PAYERNE,TAPARPERA,PATENZA)进行的少数现有ARL收集的元数据和数据集已被研究并进行比较分析报告了技术性能(即手动与ARL)。 ARL的性能被评估为与传统手册在成功发射,气球爆发和上升速度的百分比方面实现的相似或优于所达到的人。对于温度和相对湿度,地面检查比较分别显示出几十次的阴性偏差和%?RH。手动和基于ARL的测量之间的两个并行探测数据集,使用Sodankyl提供的相同的Sonde模型?和FAA'A站在ARL和手动发射之间的平均差异显示在温度型材上小于±0.2 k的±0.2 k。对于相对湿度,差异小于1%的冰淇淋rh? DataSet高达300 HPA,而它们小于0.7%的Faa'a Station的Rh。最后,德国RS92和RS41站的观察减号(O-B)均值和均方根(RMS)统计,操作了使用欧洲中等范围天气的手册和ARL发射协议的混合预测(ECMWF)预测模型非常相似,但RS41显示了ARL站的较大RMS(O-B)差异,特别是用于温度和风。讨论了经贸局和其他缔约方提出的下一步的潜在下一步,旨在为制定一项战略来说奠定了完全证明ARL的价值的基础,并保证提供的产品可追溯,适合创造经销数据产品。


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