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EU Neoliberalism at Bay: Social Democratic Renewal or Populist Economic Nationalism?




After rescuing banks and financial markets from their financial recklessness, the European Union continues with neo-liberal globalism while diminishing social protection and state interventionism. Successive treaties and increasingly restrictive rules for the Eurozone currency system entailed fiscal austerity. The Greek debt crisis of 2015-16 and protest movement such as Occupy! and the Indignados signalled subsequent electoral volatility across Europe. Though constitutionally unrelated to Eurozone restrictions, the UK’s Brexit revolt expresses similar antipathies. In different ways, Italy’s radical right and populist coalition government, the Pandora’s Box of Brexit and a radicalized UK Labour Party pose new, acute threats to neoliberal stasis and, potentially, to pillars of the EU regime. National politics hover uncertainly between aspirations for new forms of social democracy and more dynamic forms of right-wing radicalism embracing ethnic discrimination, economic and cultural nationalism and, potentially, authoritarian 'post-democratic' governance. This analysis dissects right and left populisms in Italy and the UK to ask whether either of these currents might revitalize or subvert liberal parliamentary democracy, break with neoliberalism, or merely support its continuation.
机译:救助银行和金融市场从金融鲁莽后,欧洲联盟继续与新自由主义全球主义一起,同时减少社会保护和国家干预措施。欧元区货币系统的连续条约和日益限制规则需要财政紧缩。希腊债务危机2015-16和占据抗议运动,如占据! inignignados以欧洲的后续选举波动发出信号。虽然与欧元区限制宪法无关,但英国的Brexit Revolt表达了类似的抗病。以不同的方式,意大利的激进右和民粹主义联盟政府,潘多拉的Brexit和一个激进的英国劳工党对新自由主义瘀滞的新敏锐威胁,并且可能是欧盟政权的柱子。国家政治悬停在新形式的社会民主和右翼激进主义形式的愿望之间徘徊,拥有民族歧视,经济和文化民族主义,潜在,威权主义的民主党的治理。这种分析在意大利和英国解剖了右侧和左侧民粹主义,询问这些电流是否可能会振兴或颠覆自由主义民主,与新自由主义打破,或者仅支持其延续。



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