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Precarity as the New Reality? Millennials’ Representation in the Changing Workplaces Review Policy Process




Millennials, comprising the majority of the Canadian labour market, have come of age in a time of shrinking safety nets and precarious work. The Changing Workplaces Review (CWR) in Ontario was commissioned to explore how work conditions have shifted in line with globalization, neoliberalism, labour market restructuring, and the gig economy. The final report offered a golden opportunity to suggest legislative adjustments to employment standard and labour relation legislation in a way that strengthened workplace and employment conditions for millennials. Considering the unique barriers facing this generation, this paper proposes a scale for categorizing the type of representation this group received within the consultation phase of the policy process of the review. Findings demonstrate that the most salient aspects of precarious work which specifically target millennials received a small, but substantive representation from community groups, labour unions, and other allies within community consultations. However, our analysis revealed that the substantive representation was not reflected in either the final report or in the ensuing legislation. We conclude that a small clustering of substantive representation, while an important contribution to the public debate, can be overlooked by policy makers, especially when concerns run counter to the dominant framing of the group and issue.
机译:千禧一代,包括大多数加拿大劳动力市场,在萎缩的安全网和岌岌可危的工作中都有年龄。 Ontario的变化工作场所审查(CWR)被委托探讨了工作条件如何符合全球化,新自由主义,劳动力市场重组和演出经济。最终报告提供了一项金机会,以便在加强工作场所和劳动条件的千禧一代的方式上提出就业标准和劳工关系立法的立法调整。考虑到这一代的独特障碍,本文提出了对在审查政策进程磋商阶段内收到的代表类型的表现类型的规模。调查结果表明,专门针对社区团体,工会和社区磋商中的其他盟友的小,但实质性代表的不稳定工作的最大方面。但是,我们的分析显示,实质性代表没有反映在最终报告或随后的立法中。我们得出结论,实质性代表的小集群,而政策制定者可以忽视对公众辩论的重要贡献,特别是当涉及符合小组的主导框架和问题的责任时。



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