首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Biological Chemistry >Vitamin and Osidic Composition of Table Sugars from the Inflorescences Sap of 03 Coconut Cultivars (Cocos nucifera L.) in Ivory Coast

Vitamin and Osidic Composition of Table Sugars from the Inflorescences Sap of 03 Coconut Cultivars (Cocos nucifera L.) in Ivory Coast

机译:从象牙海岸的03个椰子品种的花序SAP的表糖(Cocos Nucifera L.)中的维生素和静态组成



In order to revalorize the nucicultural sector in Ivory Coast, initiatives have been taken to diversify the uses of coconut through the production of sugar from its inflorescences. Four water-soluble vitamins have been determined in the crystalline sugar of coconuts. These are vitamins C, B_1, B_2 and B_6. On the other hand, no vitamin was identified in cane sugars. Vitamin C is the most abundant in coconut sugar. The oses contained in coconut sugar are saccharose, glucose and fructose. Sucrose is the main constituent of coconut crystal sugar. Thanks to their sweetening power close to saccharose, the coconut sugars produced can be used as sweetening ingredients in pastries, confectionery, drinks and culinary preparations. Their richness in vitamin C makes them a food that can stimulate the body's natural and immune defences.



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