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Dominance of vaccine serotypes in pediatric invasive pneumococcal infections in Portugal (2012–2015)




We evaluated the impact of continued 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) use in the private market (uptake of 61%) in pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease (pIPD) in Portugal (2012-2015). The most frequently detected serotypes were: 3 (n?=?32, 13.8%), 14 (n?=?23, 9.9%), 1 (n?=?23, 9.9%), 7F (n?=?15, 6.4%), 19A (n?=?13, 5.6%), 6B and 15B/C (both n?=?12, 5.2%), and 24F, 10A and 12B (all with n?=?10, 4.3%). Taken together, non-PCV13 serotypes were responsible for 42.2% of pIPD with a known serotype. The use of PCR to detect and serotype pneumococci in both pleural and cerebrospinal fluid samples contributed to 18.1% (n?=?47) of all pIPD. Serotype 3 was mostly detected by PCR (n?=?21/32, 65.6%) and resulted from a relevant number of vaccine failures. The incidence of pIPD varied in the different age groups but without a clear trend. There were no obvious declines of the incidence of pIPD due to serotypes included in any of the PCVs, and PCV13 serotypes still accounted for the majority of pIPD (57.8%). Our study indicates that a higher vaccination uptake may be necessary to realize the full benefits of PCVs, even after 15 years of moderate use, and highlights the importance of using molecular methods in pIPD surveillance, since these can lead to substantially increased case ascertainment and identification of particular serotypes as causes of pIPD.
机译:我们评估了葡萄牙(2012-2015年)在小儿浸润性肺炎球菌疾病(pIPD)中持续使用13价肺炎球菌结合疫苗(PCV13)对私人市场的影响(摄入量为61%)。最常见的血清型是:3(n?=?32,13.8%),14(n?=?23,9.9%),1(n?=?23,9.9%),7F(n?=?15 ,6.4%),19A(n?=?13、5.6%),6B和15B / C(n?=?12、5.2%)和24F,10A和12B(都具有n?=?10、4.3) %)。两者合计,非PCV13血清型占已知血清型的pIPD的42.2%。使用PCR检测胸膜和脑脊液样本中的肺炎球菌并进行血清分型占所有pIPD的18.1%(n?=?47)。血清型3主要通过PCR检测(n = 21 / 32,65.6%),其原因是疫苗接种失败。 pIPD的发生率在不同年龄组中有所不同,但没有明显趋势。由于任何PCV中都包含血清型,因此pIPD的发生率没有明显下降,而PCV13血清型仍占pIPD的大部分(57.8%)。我们的研究表明,即使经过15年的适度使用,要实现PCV的全部益处,也可能需要更高的疫苗接种量,并强调了在pIPD监测中使用分子方法的重要性,因为这些方法可导致病例查明和鉴定大大增加特定血清型是导致pIPD的原因。



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