首页> 外文期刊>Journal of bacteriology >Fate of Transforming Deoxyribonucleic Acid After Uptake by Competent Bacillus subtilis: Phenotypic Characterization of Radiation-Sensitive Recombination-Deficient Mutants

Fate of Transforming Deoxyribonucleic Acid After Uptake by Competent Bacillus subtilis: Phenotypic Characterization of Radiation-Sensitive Recombination-Deficient Mutants




A collection of 16 isogenic recombination-deficient strains of Bacillus subtilis isolated on the basis of sensitivity to methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) or mitomycin C (MC) were characterized phenotypically. All were found to be somewhat sensitive to ultraviolet irradiation, MC, and MMS. The mutants were all blocked in “late” steps in the transformation process and were provisionally grouped into four categories on the basis of the various properties examined. Class I mutants were deficient in transformation and heterologous transduction with phage PBS1 but were transducible with homologous donors at nearly the wild-type frequency. They were blocked in donor-recipient complex (DRC) formation but formed essentially normal amounts of double-strand fragments (DSF) and single-strand fragments (SSF). The class IIa strain was deficient in transformation and PBS1 transduction, and formed DRC which was normal by all available physical and biological criteria. Class IIb mutants were deficient in transformation and PBS1 transduction, and failed to form DRC. They did produce DSF and SSF. Class III mutants were deficient in transformation, were normal in PBS1 transduction, and formed DRC which was physically indistinguishable from that of the Rec+ parent although with slightly lowered donor-type transforming activity. Class IV strains were deficient in PBS1 transduction but were transformed at nearly the wild-type efficiency. None of the mutant strains was deficient in the adenosine triphosphate-dependent deoxyribonuclease.
机译:根据对甲基磺酸甲酯(MMS)或丝裂霉素C(MC)的敏感性,分离出了16个枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)的16个同基因重组缺陷菌株。发现所有材料都对紫外线,MC和MMS敏感。突变体均在转化过程的“后期”步骤中受阻,并根据所检查的各种特性暂时分为四类。 I类突变体在转化和噬菌体PBS1的异源转导方面均很不足,但在几乎野生型的频率下可被同源供体转导。它们在供体-受体复合物(DRC)的形成中受阻,但形成了基本正常量的双链片段(DSF)和单链片段(SSF)。 IIa类毒株在转化和PBS1转导方面缺乏,并形成了DRC,从所有可用的物理和生物学标准来看,DRC都是正常的。 IIb类突变体在转化和PBS1转导方面存在缺陷,无法形成DRC。他们确实生产了DSF和SSF。 III类突变体缺乏转化,在PBS1转导中是正常的,并形成了与Rec + 亲本在物理上没有区别的DRC,尽管供体型转化活性略有降低。 IV类菌株的PBS1转导不足,但几乎以野生型转化。没有一个突变株缺乏依赖三磷酸腺苷的脱氧核糖核酸酶。



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