首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >The Effectiveness of the Internal Controlling System Implementation in Fiscal Decentralization Application

The Effectiveness of the Internal Controlling System Implementation in Fiscal Decentralization Application




This paper investigates the current Internal Control System (ICS) implemented by the Regency Governments (RG) in Kupang District and North Central Timor (TTU) District using the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework. This research was developed in two phases. The first phase started with the interview of 100 officials out of 300 top officials in the two RGs to assess which control components were the worst implemented in their current ICS. Applying SERVQUAL model as the research technique, it revealed that the control environment demonstrated the worst implementation in two districts and this was mainly driven by a lack of commitment of top officials to strengthen ICS. In the second part, this research determined what factors may influence top officials to be less committed to strengthening ICS. Based on a number of organizational theories, this study found that the most significant factor induces top officials’ having poor commitment is conflict of interest. The study also found that social conflict of interest was the most commonly triggered reason driving top official to be less committed in RG in Kupang District, while in TTU District, political conflict of interest was the major reason affecting the top officials having less commitment.
机译:本文调查了丽江政府(RG)在特邦委员会(Treadway Commission)赞助组织委员会(COSO)框架下在居邦区和北帝汶(TTU)区实施的当前内部控制系统(ICS)。这项研究分两个阶段进行。第一阶段始于对两个RG的300名高层官员中的100名官员进行采访,以评估哪些控制组件是当前ICS中实施最差的。应用SERVQUAL模型作为研究技术,发现控制环境在两个地区的执行情况最差,这主要是由于高层官员缺乏加强ICS的决心所致。在第二部分中,这项研究确定了哪些因素可能会影响高级官员,使其不太愿意加强ICS。根据许多组织理论,该研究发现,最重要的因素导致高层官员的承诺不力是利益冲突。该研究还发现,社会利益冲突是导致居邦地区RG高层官员减少承诺的最常见原因,而在TTU地区,政治利益冲突是影响高层官员承诺减少的主要原因。



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